I bet you wouldn't believe this about me but I've become quiet the bird watcher over the last month! Every morning I jump out of bed and head for the bathroom window where I look to see if these little guys are outside. Today I rushed for my camera so I could share them with you! Aren't they amazing? Unfortunately- you know who is not the best photographer- because the pictures are a bit hazy (I think that's because I was taking them through my bathroom window). When I see them I immediately want to break out into song--and I wonder if you could guess which one? It goes like this- "Feed the birds, toppins', toppins'". Yes- I know- I'm so weird sometimes! But for those of you who know me--your not a bit surprised!
Brenda Colonnell- my fellow bird watcher- told me that I should enjoy these darlings while I can because they will migrate soon. I was so bumbed! She also told me that the males are the bright yellow and the females have more of a yellow green tint to their feathers. If you look you will see that I may just have 2 love birds on my hands! The one to the left, I believe, would be the female & the one to the right is the male. And for those of you who may not be bird watchers these little song birds are called Finches and they are from the Fringillidae family. (Are you impressed or what?)
I have also been trying to get a picture of my alarm clock for you as well- but he is so much quicker than I am. Yes, Woody Woodpecker wakes me up every morning banging on the outside brick at my house (and directly below my bedroom window). Every spring and summer this little man shows up and works so hard- but to no avail. I've been wanting to have a talk with him- I feel so bad for him cause his intelligence obviously rates right up there with mine- honestly he's getting nowhere pecking on the brick especially when there is wood to be had! I can so relate with him though- sometimes I can spend all day pecking away at something and get absolutely nowhere! Oh well....
You know- all this bird watching gets me to thinking. (You knew it would!) Maybe you will recall Jesus words from Matthew 6? In case you can't recall allow me to refresh your memory a bit:
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matt. 6:26).
I'll leave it to you today to read the rest of the story (Matt. 6:25-34). The verses speak of worry but I just love the way Jesus speaks of how values us!
Enough for today. I'm purposefully keeping things short today in hopes you will go read these verses in Matthew for yourself!
Love to all,
P.s. Let me know if you are a fellow bird watcher! And, if you have pictures- do share~
1 comment:
I thought the pictures were made hazy on purpose. I think it really adds to them. The birds are beautiful and always in the care of our heavenly Father. How wonderful to know that we are so much more valuable to Him!
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