Friday, October 10, 2008

Just a quick Howdy!

Howdy girls! (Yes, a greeting in true Tennessean style!),

I am so sorry for the delays in writing! I have been out all week with my youngest son, Gabe, who has had pneumonia. He is feeling much better but is still home from school. I left him with GREAT-grandma to run to the office to get squared away for this weekend's worship service. I wanted to take a moment & tell you that I haven't forgotten you!

I have much to catch you up on but no time too today! I do want to leave you with something however. I have been thinking a lot lately about a word that I personally have taken for granted many times and I see it being thrown around a lot in our christian circles. The word is GRACE. The Biblical meaning of the word is 'unmerited favor'. We all have received grace from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ but nothing illustrates more beautifully Christ's grace than when we receive grace from another brother or sister.

I have to say that I have been the recipient of grace many, many times from others. Forgiveness when I deserved paybacks. Love when I deserved a cold shoulder. (Basically receiving something totally different that what I really deserved!) I would never truly grasped Christ's grace for me had I not experienced it from others here on earth. I have come to appreciate and love Jesus so much more through the actions of others. Please don't get me wrong- Christ's gift of grace compares to none other! He is the ultimate GRACE GIVER! His death on the cross and forgiveness of sin is the ultimate act of grace. But if you are anything like me you need many experiences to learn the lesson and appreciate the gift! So it is through God's children that I have seen and experienced first hand how this blessed gift is given- unselfishly and lovingly. For today and always I will be forever grateful to those who have lavished me with the gift of grace and who have helped me understand more fully what this precious word really means and how wonderful Jesus is.

My hope for you today is that you will think deeply on this word grace giving praise to Jesus for this unmerited gift of favor that you and I have been lavished with. I also pray that you will come to appreciate those brothers and sisters who have given you the opportunity to see grace at it's best!

Grace and peace to you,

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