Hello gals,
This past Sunday our family visited a church in Kingsport. We enjoyed worship very much. The service we attended was a 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service and it was packed with people. We were running a bit late and luckily found a seat on the back row. What impressed me about this service was the diversity of ages in attendance. I saw just as many (if not more) seniors than I did youngsters! And- I loved it! And, after looking around I realized I am embarking on becoming a member of the 'middle aged' group. Whatever that means! ha!
My son seemed to enjoy the service as well. He asked all manner of questions. And he made a great observation about the preacher- allow me to quote my 10 year old: "He (the preacher) said God more than anybody I've ever heard." I just about laughed my head off. What children pick up on!
In case you don't know our family has spent the last two months visiting different churches for worship. We have enjoyed every church we have worshipped with. Not one has been the same. Some have been large in attendance and some have been very small. Some have had traditional music, some blended and some contemporary. Some have had choir music- some have not. Some have had special solos some have not. Some have been very formal and some have been very casual. Some had offering meditations some have not. Some have served communion some have not. Some have had 3 point sermons and some have had narritive preaching and one team preached (which was rather cool). Thus far, all have offered an invitation at the end.
This experenice has been rather neat in that we are getting to see how other members of the Body of Chirst worship. I can honestly say we have enjoyed worshipping in every church we have set foot in thus far. Every single one has been different in the order of service and style but one thing has been the same through out- everyone has worshipped the same Lord and Saviour- Jesus Christ. Priceless!
Enjoy your day today sisters! And, see if you can beat the preacher's record today- how often can you talk about God today? Let's spend ourselves praising Him- allow Him to be the Lord of your Tuesday!
Love to all,
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