Monday, November 23, 2009

Opening His mouth he began to teach them...

I have been reading the Sermon on the Mount for weeks now. I have focused on Matthew's account of this powerful teaching from Jesus. I absolutely love the way the writer begins the sermon:

"And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying..."
Matthew 5:2
These words sent my mind directly to Isaiah 55....
"So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11
The word 'accomplishing' means "to do, to make, to accomplish, to complete. This Hebrew verb conveys the central notion of performing an activity with a distinct purpose, a moral obligation, or a goal in view." To give you a further illustration, the word 'teach' in Matthew 5:2 is written in Perfect Tense which "represents an action that was completed in the past but has continuing results."
Stay with me for a moment and allow me to make two points.
  1. God's word is relevant for today. Although God's word was spoken in the past it still has continuing results. God's word still has purpose for today and will have forever.
  2. God's word, when read, meditated upon, taught etc., will accomplish what God desires for it to accomplish!
God's word still has significance and application for our modern day lives. It can (and will) work in and through us to accomplish God's purposes so that you and I can live sanctified lives. Lives that are set-apart to accomplish God's purposes in this world for this generation. Based on the truths of God's word- He will succeed in what He sets out to accomplish!
When I have the opportunity to teach God's word I tend to be to be fearful. Because of my respect and reverence for Scripture and the power it carries in no way do I want to misrepresent its teaching. Therefore, I have a healthy level of fear when teaching others. Although I play a very small role in this teaching process (God and his Spirit plays the bigger role), I have learned that when God sends forth his word- it accomplishes and succeeds. Coupled with my healthy level of fear, I possess an even healthier level of trust in God. I believe that once I put the words out there- He will accomplish its intended purpose in and through others. Those of us who teach or share God's word have a huge responsibility to be students who dig deep and work as best we can to represent the Scriptures correctly. Once we have done this- we must trust God to accomplish his purpose.
Obviously, I get a bit excited over the promise of the continuing work of God's words. I am utterly thankful that as I open my Bible God's word still has a profound affect on me. I have read the Sermon on the Mount over and over again and each time it pierces my heart in a different way. Jesus' words challenge me to live, love and serve differently.

I recently purchased a new Bible to replace the one I had been using since 2001. You probably won't believe me but I mourned the shelving of this old friend, my NIV Life Application Bible. The pages inside were worn and the binding was falling apart. This dear friend was filled with notes and discoveries I had made as we journeyed together. This precious book, for almost 10 years, served as one of the greatest links to the building of my relationship with Jesus Christ.
As I think back on the years I have spent learning and growing through the pages of my NIV Life Application Bible, I could just weep in remembrance of the way God sent forth his word in my life and actually accomplished something! I now laugh over the fits I often threw when I didn't want to comply with his direction or commands. Many times I acted like a toddler throwing a tantrum (maybe that has something to do with spiritual milk verses spiritual meat!). When the day was done I agonized over not just listening and obeying in the first place!  The heartache I could have avoided if I had just listened and obeyed. Yes, another lesson learned the hard way.  But through it all my testimony still stands: "God truly sent forth his word and healed me!"  Through this NIV Life Application Study Bible, "Jesus opened his mouth and began to teach me" and I'm so much better for it! This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the power of God's word!
Allow me to encourage you towards God's word. My prayer is you will begin or continue a love relationship with God through his word. Be open to it's accomplishing work!
Blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving!

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