Monday, December 7, 2009

"The Plight Before Christmas"

I heard the following poem on the radio program of Crown Financial Ministries and thought it was very thought provoking.  Every year I find it a struggle to keep Christmas in perspective when the world around me says "You and those you love need more stuff!  So shop till you drop!"  Somewhere in the midst of all the 'stuff' we can loose the real joy of what Christmas is meant to embody- the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ, family, and friends.  This Christmas, I want the gift of shared relationships.  More than anything I want to be still and enjoying those I love and to spend time savoring my Savior.   If you are anything like me- you may struggle a bit with the shopping list and the to-do-list.  Praying this poem helps you too!

“The Plight Before Christmas.”

'Tis the month before Christmas and all through the house,

Our two teens leave gift lists for me and my spouse.

They scribble and write, compose and compare,

In hopes that St. Nick has some big bucks to spare!

But Dad with his wallet and I with my purse,

Realize things have taken a turn for the worse.

Gone are the days of toy cars and doll beds,

When visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.

It's CDs, and sweaters, and watches and rings,

Computers and Play Station Games of all things.

More rapid than reindeer the items ring up,

We'll have to get second and third jobs to keep up!

So I think for a minute, and then start to smile--

The answer's been with me, there all the while.

Then I gather my children and with hugs and a kiss,

I remind them it's not about presents and lists.

It's about friends and family, and laughter and love,

And the blessings we're given from God up above.

In the midst of the frenzy and the lure of the mall,

We shouldn't forget..the greatest Gift of all.

And then I'll exclaim 'ere I turn in for the night,

"Happy Christmas to all, and... may we all get it right!"

Our thanks to Mary Beth Weisenberger of Continental, Ohio for reminding us to keep Christ in our Christmas.

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