Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lessons for Living

My prayer for this year comes from Psalm 119 from the Message version.  I've been praying and memorizing this particular scripture for some time. 

"God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course. 
 Give me insight so I can do what you tell me-
 my whole life one long, obedient response."

Learning lessons for living often comes by doing.  If you are anything like me- most life lessons have been learned the hard way.  I have learned more lessons in the trenches of life or from looking backwards than I care to count.

These days I find myself begging God for insight.  I usually tell God that I'll gladly do it if he would tell me what it is!  After these words leave my big mouth my mind begins questioning, "Would I really do it?"  What if it meant traveling to a foreign land to live or what if it means selling my home?  My mind goes crazy with the 'What if's'!

After much contemplation over the 'what if's', I have come to the conclusion that I really don't care what it is.  What I care most about is living my life as one long obedient response to the lavish grace and forgiveness Jesus Christ has poured forth over this unworthy sinful life of mine.  So, when God deems to give me insight and tells me to do something I long to be obedient.  And with his help- I can be.

Maybe all of the above could serve as a so called New Years Resolution but more than anything it's the cry of my heart.

So, what is the cry of your heart?  Have you thought about it lately?  Consider joining me in praying that the cries of our heart would align with the cries of God's heart. 

May we all live our lives as one long obedient response to the One who is worthy of our everything!

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