Hello to all,
I thought I would catch up with this blogging thing....not sure how in the world I am going to catch up a years worth of stuff! I think it would be best just to start where I am. So, it is December and Christmas day is just around the bend. I love this time of year. I look forward to Christmas day. I look forward to celebrating Christ's birth with family and friends. I enjoy seeing those I love open gifts that I have given them. Watching the faces of my children, nieces and nephews as the relish the process of tearing open their presents. I enjoy the meals and laughter that surrounds our table. I always get tears in my eyes as I listen to the prayers of thanks offered up in humble praise to the Lord's Christ.
There is one moment of my day that always takes my breath away. Every year like most families we make our rounds to different family members homes. Breakfast always takes place at my house with my dad and sister's family and Chad's dad. Then after breakfast we head across the street to Chad's grandmother's house for lunch. After this we head to Bristol to Chad's mom's house. It's on this thirty minute drive that the moment hits me. It is on this drive that I notice how still the world seems. Stores are closed the traffic is slim and everything just seems so much quieter and slower.
Our world is moving at a pace that most of us can't keep up with. Our schedules are packed full to the brim every week. Many days we go through the process of living never slowing down to notice the incredible gift of life we've been blessed with. How often do we stop to marvel at God's creation and His constant work and activity around us and in and through those of us who chase after him?
For whatever reason, on this Christmas drive I imagine most of the world being still and noticing. Noticing that the Word became flesh and Tabernacled (dwelt) among us. This Word came in the form of an innocent baby. A baby who was a child yet God. His cries put flesh and bone to the cry of God for humanity. He was born to die.
My hope for you and me is that we stop, be still and take notice of why we celebrate this holiday. For unto us a child was born, a Son was given, a baby who was born to take away the sins of the world.
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