Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Cowgirl Within.....

Hello ladies,

I promised a couple more pictures so here you go! I'm wondering if anyone of you have picked up on what a terrible speller I am! I feel sure every post I have ever 'posted' has had grammar & spelling errors galore! But, last post was one of the funnier ones! In case you missed it- my new babies name is not spelled 'Poke-O' but Pocco!! And, if your thinking I figured that out all on my own- well think again! My sweet husband clued me in after he had a good laugh! Oh well, if you get a good chuckle over my poor writing abilities- laugh on sister! Because I promise you- if I ever figure out that I've made a huge mistake in the area of spelling etc. Believe you me- I'm gonna do some laughin' at my own self! Ha! Sometimes we just need to 'not' take ourselves too seriously!

Well, in case you were doubtful about the 'cowgirl' waiting to come out in me- hopefully the pictures I've posted today will prove it to you! In case you all aren't aware- the Drain's live out in the country where real country folk live. And not only real country folk but real cowboys and cowgirls! I've decided it must have something to do with the name of the place we live because most everyone in our community either have farm land, a tractor, cows, sheep, horses, goats, and if not any of the above they own a really over-sized lawn mower! The only thing I can figure is it's all in the name-'Harmony'! (Now I know your laughing!) To tell you the truth it is not always harmonious in Harmony! (I'm not going to elaborate on the harmonious thing just yet.) But in an effort to fit into our community- the Drain's are working hard at 'becoming all things to all people'. No- really- I'm joking! We have great neighbors who have all been very supportive in helping us to ease into this cowgirl adventure! But, let me just tell you a few of them got a real belly laugh out of my riding attire! Shorts & books with white knee socks poking out of the tops aren't 'in' when it comes to the cowgirl way! (at least the shorts were denim-right? And I did wear real cowgirl boots- thanks to the best mother-in-law in the whole wide world!) I learned real quick that real cowgirls wear blue jeans no matter how hot it is! I figured that out when some of my neighbors drove by and blew their horn at me-and I turned to see them laughing their heads off! Plus, they took the time to call me & have a good laugh at me & with me at my expense!

Just so you know Shelby & I enjoyed our first ride together Sunday afternoon. We had a blast! Shelby is so much better at this cowgirl thing than her mother is! The only speed she knows is FAST and FASTER! Her mother, however, is still having a few issues! Do you have any idea how far away from the ground you are when your sitting on the back of a horse? And, not to mention how strong & powerful they are? And, we won't mention their big teeth or how tall they are when they stand on two feet!

You would have been so proud of me though- I actually got Pocco into a flat out run (for about 30 seconds- that was as long as I could hold on! ha!) And, to the Praise of God's Glory- Pocco slowed right down when I asked him too! He didn't even spook when I started screaming uncontrollably for him to stop! Do you know how hard it is to remember horse language when your going around 10 miles per hour on the back of a horse? I found out 'stop' isn't the proper response! ha! Really- he was great & I really didn't scream once. I slowed him down with a pull of the reigns and when I wanted him to speed up- I just spoke horse language to him. And- I would tell you what I said to him if only I knew how to spell it! I won't lie to you- during my ride & when I was just working with Pocco- I had a few moments when total fear took over! I just kept pushing through it & I did a whole lot of 'self talk' and everything worked out just fine! Praise the Lord!

Well girls- today all that is left to say is that God is Good! I've been looking every morning into our front field to see 2 amazing creatures that our Lord designed personally! Not to mention one quick gander at my children and I'm reminded of what an amazingly creative and unique God we have! And a God who has blessed us beyond measure! Enjoy your God today sisters- fill up! He is life and life to the full!

Love to all,
Lori Drain

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