Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hello ladies,

I am knee deep today in writing a paper for my 'Jesus in the Gospels' class- which by the way is due Friday. (And just so you know- 'knee deep' equates a paragraph and a half completed!) Needless to say, I began my morning with a very loud shout to the Lord which went like this: "Help!" I know the route to Biblical scholarship takes not only deep study, thought and learning a new language but it also takes the ability to write deep thoughts and the results of study down on paper for others to see.

I LOVE to write. I have secret dreams (which aren't so secret anymore) of writing a book one day. However, I only enjoy writing for pleasure (journaling) and only for the audience my home girls! You know- the ones that look at your writings with grace filled eyes! And, my home girls (that's you) know that I speak Tennessean and write Tennessean too! I absolutely cringe at writing newsletter articles and papers for school! Why- well I believe if you've been a blog reader of mine for very long- you'll know why- Proper grammar and writing skills are not my forte! Honestly I'm horrible! That is why my dreams of writing a book have been so secret- I totally lack the skills needed! But if skills weren't required- goodness knows I'd be a writing fool!

I've shared this with you in hopes it will invoke you to give a loud shout to the Lord on my behalf this week! I sure could use the intercession and deliverance from my creative writing block! Oh the writing woe's.......

On another note- totally unrelated. "You know your getting old when....." I had this moment yesterday. I totally got excited to find out that an area funeral home gave FREE burial's to those serving in full time ministry! Chad had no idea the perks he would receive when he married me! ha! My personal motto has always been "If it's free, it's for me!"

Yet on another note- totally unrelated. "You know your too busy when....." I had this moment Saturday. I bought socks at the grocery store! No joke- didn't even know they sold socks! But they do! And I purchased 3 pairs! Why? Because every pair of black socks I own have holes in them & I haven't had a minutes worth of time to go to Walmart to buy any! To my very pleasant surprise-Whites has them! I am now a lot less holy! ha!

On yet another note- related to the previous paragraph. I was editing this post when I pulled out my trusty Webster's Dictionary to make sure I was using the correct form of the word 'hole' to find the definition to the word 'hole' as 'opening, a deep one'. I don't know if you find that funny at all but I laughed my head off! Yes, the holes can go deep can't they. And I know what your thinking- "Lori is just about to turn her funny side off (if you can call it that) and go into a spiritual sermon on deep holes and what can happen if they are left unfilled!" I'll spare you today Dear One!

The last 'on another note' for today- You wouldn't believe this but when I went into vocational ministry one of my fervernt prayers to the Lord was for a sense of humor! I wanted to be able to tell a great joke & just be funny! I'll let you decided if He answered that prayer or NOT! HA!

So sorry for the bad jokes today! I'm feeling a bit silly- too many hours with my nose in the books! Maybe you need a bit of comic relief today. How about sharing some stories with the rest of us! Had any funny moments lately?

Love to all,

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