Hello Friends,
I have to share an event with you that I attended over the weekend- reluctantly!! The husband & wife team of the Drain's and my sweet mother-in-love (AKA: Gan) were ushers at the Bristol Sharpie 500 on Sunday. I want to tell you that I was not looking forward to this whatsoever! I had worked myself into a true tizzy about it before Sunday ever arrived. In order to help you understand why I dreaded this- let me back up a couple of weeks.....
Join me in the Usher Training Session.....Here were the training tips given to us want-to-be ushers:
- If a fight breaks out- Don't get in the middle of it- go get security.
- Wear closed toed shoes in case someone throws up on you because you don't want it on your feet (ya think?). And wear comfortable shoes because you will be standing for hours on end.
- If it were to lightning- seek shelter and NOT in the metal stands.
- If someone bleeds- don't clean it up- get housekeeping.
- If someone is smoking in the stands- ask them to leave and go to the designated smoking area.
- Keep your portal free of people standing around.
- Arrive for Usher Check-in at 7:30 a.m.
- Wear multiple layers of clothing. Chances are your going to freeze or get wet.
Mid way through this so called training session I leaned over and whispered to my mother-in-love and said "They are not convincing me that I really want to do this". Needless to say, I left the training session scared to death and just dreading the whole thing. You see, we volunteered to do this for our daughter, Shelby, whose choral group was using the event as an opportunity to raise money. What we will do for our children and grandchildren.
I posted a picture above of me 'working the event'. Please notice- I did layer! Several layers indeed and oh how glad I was to have them. Not one time during the all day event did I un-layer! It wasn't until we left to walk back to my mother-in-love's house did I get warm enough to shed the layers! I kept my gloves on all day! No joke- froze to death!
I must tell you I was pleasantly surprised by how well the race fans treated us. Never once did I have to remove anyone or pretend to be an 'usher enforcer'. The fans even seemed glad we were there. We had 2 ladies who offered to buy us coffee at one point. It was a genuine treat and a volunteer experience I would repeat for a good cause.
I worked extra hard to 'keep a smile on' and show as much kindness and courtesy as I could. It was my small way of just showing Jesus' love. I'm not sure if anyone got it- but it didn't keep me from trying!
Even though I was working for my daughter's school and it was a good cause- I missed being in a Sunday worship service. Of all the things I like to do- nothing compares with going to church. I just love church! I grew up in the church! Just so I'm honest with you-there were several years that I didn't like going to church- yes, you guessed it- rebellious teenager years! But, I came back and I can't think of any place on earth that I would rather be than smack dab in the middle of a building full of the 'church'. I love the diversity of people, the diversity of voices lifted in praise to God, and I love all our quirks. And, before you go to thinking you don't have any- think again. We all do. Praise God, he created each one of us uniquely and we all bring different gifts and personalities to the table. I'm appreciative of that. Could you imagine how boring the world would be if we were all alike? I couldn't stand it! I'm a lover of people and their uniqueness. Nothing on earth gets my blood to pumpin like seeing people live out that uniqueness for the Glory of God.
Uniqueness is something to be celebrated. And, God is a God to be praised for it. So, give him a loud shout of thanks today for making you different! And, for those of you who have spent your whole life fighting against 'different'- embrace it today. DIFFERENT IS GOOD!
Love to all,
P.S.- Back to the Usher Thing--for those of you who serve as Usher or Greeter in the church- thank you for greeting all of us with a warm smile and a hearty welcome! I know it is your way of showing Jesus love- and you do! You have a very important ministry- for many- you are their first experience of Jesus and the church! So, keep up the great Kingdom work!