Friday, March 20, 2009

TypO's and other interesting stuff....

Hello to all,
Just wanted to say I left all the 'typo's in the previous post so you could get a feel for what it is really like to type on a cell phone keyboard!! Honestly, I'm not so sure I will ever do that again! It was tedious work!!

In my devotion time today this question was posed from the book I'm reading (I thought it would be good to share with each of you):
"Why do so many find the Christian life a struggle?"
I sat wondering if many Christians really would say the Christian life is a struggle. Do you find it a struggle and if so why? I find life in general a struggle at times and after giving some thought I have many reasons why over my life I would have said the Christian life is a struggle- mostly it had to do with the human sin issue. But, the more I come to know Jesus the more I would say it's not a struggle but a gift. A blessed treasure. I can't imagine life without Jesus and I pray I never have too. Instead of struggle I believe we can find rest and peace in Jesus. Right now as I'm typing the lyrics to the song playing on my computer says "Everyday with you, Lord, is sweeter than the day before". Sweet indeed.
Perhaps I misunderstood the question- goodness knows its made me think!
Rest in Jesus today sisters!

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