Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello to all,
I pray you are having a terrific Tuesday! I myself am! God is good! Not just good- GREAT! I have been working on writing a Bible study on JOY this week. I will be leading a retreat in October for my Home-girls and the retreat theme is JOY! I prefer typing the word 'JOY' in all caps because the more I'm learning about it the more I'm seeing that JOY is BIG! In order not to spill the surprises for my Home-girls and the retreat- I'm going to withhold all I'm learning until later. But for now just know- JOY IS BIG!

I have not forgotten about our Church Alive posts and keep your eyes out for the next one next week! I have given this topic so much thought that I've had trouble wading through it all. You would think it would be an easy topic- but the more I visit churches and the more I look at the book of Acts and the journeys of Paul and his New Testament letters I find that the matter can be complex- mostly because there are many characteristics of an Alive Church. With that being said- don't give up on me!

Allow me to give a teaser into the next post by offering a quote I read sometime ago by Rick Warren:

"You don't judge the strength of a church on its seating capacity but on its sending capacity."

I'll let you stew on that one for a bit!
God bless,

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