Monday, June 15, 2009

Facebook Bible Study

Hello to all,
I wanted to invite each of you to join me in a summer Bible/Book Study on Facebook. If you are not a Face Book user- it's easy to join and start an account (which is free). Just go to:
Click on 'Sign Up for Facebook'
Then follow the directions listed.
Once you have an account- look on the top user bar (in blue) and click on 'FRIENDS' then click on 'FIND FRIENDS' once there-add my name in the 'SEARCH' box- 'Lori A. Drain'
Then Invite me to be your friend. I will then reply to say I've added you as my friend and you will be good to go!
If you have problems- feel free to email me or leave me a posted comment here on the blog & I will try to walk you through it!
Here is how it will work:
  • You will need to purchase the book 'CRAZY LOVE-Overwhelmed by a Relentless God' by Francis Chan. You can purchase it online at Christian Book Distributors or Amazon. Or order it from your local Christian Book Store. YOU WILL NEED TO GET IT THIS WEEK!
  • We will read one chapter a week for 10 weeks starting this week (June 15-21).
  • After you have read the chapter sometime before Sunday at 10 P.M. post a comment about the reading, a question, or observation to my wall on Facebook. You may post this ANYTIME through the week but each Sunday at 10 p.m. is the deadline for each chapter. (So, this week you will read Chapter 1 and post a comment, question or make an observation about the reading on my facebook wall by Sunday, June 21, at 10 p.m.)
  • If you have a more in-depth question or would like to keep your comment private- then send it to my 'INBOX' on Facebook and I will reply.
  • I will moderate the comments and reply to any personal 'Inbox' questions or concerns you have by Monday following the Sunday Deadlines.

Please know in advance I am not a great Facebook user in that I'm still learning my way around. Feel free to post any suggestions you have! But, I thought this would be fun for all and a way for us to study together without having to meet together. So- what do you think???

If you have already read the book 'Crazy Love', I invite you to read it again with me! I personally have read the book three times and will now read it a fourth. I believe the book offers some great insight and it offers some lessons that I want to learn and live!

Looking forward to studing/reading with you!

Love to all,


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