I'm not sure what time you lovely ladies got out of bed this morning- but you will be so glad to know that I beat Woody Woodpecker this morning! I was up by 6 a.m. and I decided I was going to wake him for a change! I figured maybe I'd give him a taste of his own 'Alarm Clock'! The only problem is Chad had his machine gun locked in the gun case- and for some reason he hasn't seen the need to give me a key- something about PMS....(I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say that on a blog or not- but It's a WOMEN'S BLOG for heavens sake!). Just kidding- we don't have a machine gun or a gun case- but if we did I'd be oh so tempted (and If we did have a machine gun or a gun case- I feel sure the PMS thing would still be an issue with Chad giving me a key!) HA!!! Well, as luck would have it- I awoke early and you know who didn't show up! If I do see him- I'm going to let him know I've renamed him- CHICKEN!
Now- I realize the blog posts as of late have been way under spiritual- but the way I see it- our God ordained laughter and fun. Sometimes I am way to serious and it has been nice to take a short break from the seriousness of life and just laugh a little! I hope you will stop and just laugh a little this weekend! Enjoy God, enjoy life! Remember Jesus came so we could have abundant life- full livin'! And I believe part of that full livin' is stoppin' to see and enjoy the birds!
Now for those of you needing something a bit more spiritual- I have something that I've been chewing on all week. I'm not real sure if your gonna like it or not-- but her goes:
Today I would like to share with you a scripture I have posted on the wall in my office. As a matter of fact this particular Scripture is one I can stare at all day because it is posted right above my computer! I have memorized it because I believe wholeheartedly in it's message! Here goes:
"Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. Their teaching will spread like gangrene." II Timothy 2:16
Okay before any of you get mad- I didn't say it- God's Word did! Just so I don't take this scripture out of it's context let me explain what Paul was talking about here. There were false teachers in his day (and ours) and Paul is giving Timothy advice as to how to become one who "does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth". Paul warns Timothy not to be "quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen." He also warns Timothy to "avoid godless chatter".
Let me just say that I believe these scriptures can fit out of context too. I believe that when we engage in ungodly talk we become less and less godly. Would you agree? Just so you don't go to thinking I'm standing on my soap box with this scripture- let me tell you that we all have engaged in godless chatter- me too. I believe our tongues are one of the most dangerous weapons we have. The book of James says the tongue is "a restless evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:6). I would have to agree. I've spewed some deadly poison from my mouth a few times over the course of my life- I'm ashamed to say it- but it's true. I dare say it is true for you, too. But here is the deal- the more and more we give in to the temptation of using our tongues (words) in a way that doesn't glorify God- then we become less and less of who God wants us to be- godly women. I want the Lord to be the Lord of my mouth as well as Lord of my life! (Isn't the two the same?)
The Bible has a lot to say about the words we speak. Our words are to be used to build each other up but too often they are used to tear another down. Sad, so sad. And don't you know it breaks God's heart. So here is what I purpose- Let's make a pact together- let's agree to bridle our tongues. Together & with accountability- we can mange our words and use them for good. Would you join me in a 30 day experiment? Here is what I'm asking-
- Allow NO NEGATIVE talk whatsoever. That means no complaining, no tearing another person down for what the may or may not have done, nothing negative what so ever! Only positive uplifting talk.
- If another lady (or fellow) catches you speaking negatively- they may request a quarter from you--yes, .25 cents!) This practice is sort of symbolic of what our words can cost us and others. At the end of 30 days any quarters collected will go into the offering here at Harrison-as a sort of Praise Offering to God.
So, are you up for the challenge? I am! I am going to enlist my family as well (I couldn't think of a better time to start - seeing as how we are leaving for vacation tonight & will be spending 11 hours in a car together! I may be able to fund a new church building or my trip to India by the time we get there! ha!!) See if you can get your family to join in on the fun! I sure hope you will.
Make sure to spread the word of the challenge & post a comment to let all of us know that your on board!
I'll write to you while I'm away next week to see how it's going!
Love to all,
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be." James 3:9-10
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