Hello to my favorite group of gals!
I just wanted to stop for a few minutes to say hello before I say goodbye for a couple of days! I'm off to Kentucky with the Phillips and Haan families as we help the Phillips family move into this new chapter of their lives. I'm looking forward to spending the time with them so much before having to say a final 'see you later'! And on Wednesday we are all heading to Ohio for the North American Christian Convention. I am so very excited about this part-- I've never been to the convention before and from what I have heard it is ministry heaven on earth! Lots of great speakers, lots of great worship, lots of great materials! Don't you know I'll be like a kid in a candy store! Look out Ohio- here I come!
I hope you enjoyed Sunday's message as much as I did. Luke Erickson did a wonderful job of speaking to us as a church. For those of you who were not with us he spoke about being 'in between'. And, how we as a church are 'in between'. He used the story of Jonathan from 1 Samuel 14 when he with his Armor bearer attacks the Philistines. Luke asked us some tuff questions about how we as individuals will choose to live during this time of being 'in between'. Will we be like Jonathan and charge ahead knowing that God 'may' choose to bless our efforts as he did with Jonathan or will we stay in a safe pattern and do nothing to further the cause of Christ and just wait on someone else to come in and take the lead for us. You see Jonathon charged ahead and attacked the Philistines without his leader- Saul. He went forward knowing that God 'could' in fact act on his behalf or he could not. But, Jonathon acted in faith and with that faith God joined his effort! Yep-Luke asked some mighty tuff questions! But- worth the asking! I hope that if you heard his sermon you have given it some thought. I have a copy if you would like to read it. It's much better than my pitiful attempt of retelling it for you!
I sure hope each of you have a wonderful week and an excellent 4th of July! I'll see you all on Sunday!
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