Monday, December 6, 2010


Hello to all,
I thought I would catch up with this blogging thing....not sure how in the world I am going to catch up a years worth of stuff!  I think it would be best just to start where I am.  So, it is December and Christmas day is just around the bend.  I love this time of year.  I look forward to Christmas day.  I look forward to celebrating Christ's birth with family and friends.  I enjoy seeing those I love open gifts that I have given them.  Watching the faces of my children, nieces and nephews as the relish the process of tearing open their presents.  I enjoy the meals and laughter that surrounds our table.  I always get tears in my eyes as I listen to the prayers of thanks offered up in humble praise to the Lord's Christ.

There is one moment of my day that always takes my breath away.  Every year like most families we make our rounds to different family members homes.  Breakfast always takes place at my house with my dad and sister's family and Chad's dad.  Then after breakfast we head across the street to Chad's grandmother's house for lunch.  After this we head to Bristol to Chad's mom's house.  It's on this thirty minute drive that the moment hits me.  It is on this drive that I notice how still the world seems.  Stores are closed the traffic is slim and everything just seems so much quieter and slower. 

Our world is moving at a pace that most of us can't keep up with.  Our schedules are packed full to the brim every week.  Many days we go through the process of living never slowing down to notice the incredible gift of life we've been blessed with.  How often do we stop to marvel at God's creation and His constant work and activity around us and in and through those of us who chase after him? 

For whatever reason, on this Christmas drive I imagine most of the world being still and noticing.  Noticing that the Word became flesh and Tabernacled (dwelt) among us.  This Word came in the form of an innocent baby.  A baby who was a child yet God.  His cries put flesh and bone to the cry of God for humanity.  He was born to die. 

My hope for you and me is that we stop, be still and take notice of why we celebrate this holiday.  For unto us a child was born, a Son was given, a baby who was born to take away the sins of the world. 


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I thought you gals might want to get a look-see at my belated Christmas gift.  Please meet Friday Night Blues Jr.  (AKA: Joe).
As you can see my fearless daughter, Shelby didn't waste any time climbing on board.  She took him for a spin (even bridleless). The fellow in the picture with Shelby is a friend of ours who sold us Joe.  Thus far, I've had a ton of fun with Joe.  All I can say is I'm waiting for warmer weather so he and I can do some real bonding together!

God is good!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lessons for Living

My prayer for this year comes from Psalm 119 from the Message version.  I've been praying and memorizing this particular scripture for some time. 

"God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course. 
 Give me insight so I can do what you tell me-
 my whole life one long, obedient response."

Learning lessons for living often comes by doing.  If you are anything like me- most life lessons have been learned the hard way.  I have learned more lessons in the trenches of life or from looking backwards than I care to count.

These days I find myself begging God for insight.  I usually tell God that I'll gladly do it if he would tell me what it is!  After these words leave my big mouth my mind begins questioning, "Would I really do it?"  What if it meant traveling to a foreign land to live or what if it means selling my home?  My mind goes crazy with the 'What if's'!

After much contemplation over the 'what if's', I have come to the conclusion that I really don't care what it is.  What I care most about is living my life as one long obedient response to the lavish grace and forgiveness Jesus Christ has poured forth over this unworthy sinful life of mine.  So, when God deems to give me insight and tells me to do something I long to be obedient.  And with his help- I can be.

Maybe all of the above could serve as a so called New Years Resolution but more than anything it's the cry of my heart.

So, what is the cry of your heart?  Have you thought about it lately?  Consider joining me in praying that the cries of our heart would align with the cries of God's heart. 

May we all live our lives as one long obedient response to the One who is worthy of our everything!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A few years ago my son, Gabe, informed me he wanted to change his name.  I was totally surprised by his request and honestly heartbroken.  My husband and I spent a long time choosing the perfect name for our sweet angel boy which was delivered three days short of Christmas day.  We purposely chose the name Gabriel which means 'Good News'.  Our precious son was such good news to our lives then and still today.  Gabe's birth made for the most memorable Christmas Chad and I have ever had. 

You can imagine my horror when Gabe let me know he did not share the love that Chad and I have for his name.  What's a mom to do?  I set out to gently help Gabe realize how special his name is.  I spent time trying to convince my little man that his name was in the Bible and it was hand picked by me and his dad.  All this convincing got me nowhere.  Gabe's mind was made up- he wanted a new name.

Thinking through this ugly reality I began to figure that Gabe probably wanted to be named after his favorite sports player, movie star or cartoon character.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  The name he had picked for himself (you might want to sit down for this news) was MAX.  Surely Max was a name of someone he admired greatly.  Wrong again!  It was the short spelling that attracted my little guy to the name Max.  Max had only 3 letters as compared to 7 (or 4 if you count his nick-name, Gabe). 

So what gives?  Can you believe it?  Changing his sweet, precious, hand picked, prayed over name for one that is shorter!  I let Gabe know right away that Max will be harder to write in cursive because of the 'x'.  And after a little digging on my part, Max is short for 'maximum'.  Gabe explained to me how he wanted to reach his maximum potential on his 3rd grade spelling test.  You see, when his teacher gave a spelling test each Friday he said he didn't have time to spell out his name on the paper before she called out the first word on the test which causes him to get behind and rush to take the test. 

Gabe argued for a long time we should change his name in order for him to write faster.  I argued back with which is worst-a broken hearted mother or a 'B' on a spelling test?  We all know the saying, "If mama ain't happy- ain't nobody happy!"

Short cuts, we all look for them from time to time.  Whether it is shorting our name or cutting corners in our work place.  Some short cuts in life can cause serious damage.  Consider building a home.  Would you want a contractor to work with excellence or take as many short cuts as possible to finish the job quicker? 

Short cuts in our walk with God can cost down the road too.  Not only do short cuts short change us in the here and now, they can short change us for all eternity.  Most of the time, we take short cuts in our spiritual lives because our daily lives are out of control with busyness.  We truly don't have the time or we don't make the time to do the things that will glorify our Lord and grow us closer in relationship to him.  We've allowed other things to take priority (and sometimes very good things).  In the midst of taking a short cut and only doing what is absolutely necessary to get by- we short change us!  We miss out.

This time of year is especially busy.  Shopping, decorating, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, and attending events can take precedence over our spiritual walk.  This is the time of year in which we as Christians should focus on Christ most.  After all, isn't Christmas a celebration of Christ coming into the world? 

Allow me to encourage you to reprioritize your December now- its not too late!  Schedule daily time alone praying, reading scripture and worshipping Christ.  Make it first priority instead of no priority.  Do not let yourself miss out on the real reason for Christmas this year because of a to-do-list that doesn't include Jesus.  Jesus did not take short cuts when it came to you and me.  Let's not short change him or ourselves the privilege of savoring our Savior this Christmas!

Loving the One,

Monday, December 7, 2009

"The Plight Before Christmas"

I heard the following poem on the radio program of Crown Financial Ministries and thought it was very thought provoking.  Every year I find it a struggle to keep Christmas in perspective when the world around me says "You and those you love need more stuff!  So shop till you drop!"  Somewhere in the midst of all the 'stuff' we can loose the real joy of what Christmas is meant to embody- the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ, family, and friends.  This Christmas, I want the gift of shared relationships.  More than anything I want to be still and enjoying those I love and to spend time savoring my Savior.   If you are anything like me- you may struggle a bit with the shopping list and the to-do-list.  Praying this poem helps you too!

“The Plight Before Christmas.”

'Tis the month before Christmas and all through the house,

Our two teens leave gift lists for me and my spouse.

They scribble and write, compose and compare,

In hopes that St. Nick has some big bucks to spare!

But Dad with his wallet and I with my purse,

Realize things have taken a turn for the worse.

Gone are the days of toy cars and doll beds,

When visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.

It's CDs, and sweaters, and watches and rings,

Computers and Play Station Games of all things.

More rapid than reindeer the items ring up,

We'll have to get second and third jobs to keep up!

So I think for a minute, and then start to smile--

The answer's been with me, there all the while.

Then I gather my children and with hugs and a kiss,

I remind them it's not about presents and lists.

It's about friends and family, and laughter and love,

And the blessings we're given from God up above.

In the midst of the frenzy and the lure of the mall,

We shouldn't forget..the greatest Gift of all.

And then I'll exclaim 'ere I turn in for the night,

"Happy Christmas to all, and... may we all get it right!"

Our thanks to Mary Beth Weisenberger of Continental, Ohio for reminding us to keep Christ in our Christmas.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Word Became Flesh...

"In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.  He was present originally with God.  All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.  In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.  And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it]. "
John 1:1-5

"There it was-the true Light [was then] coming into the world [the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light] that illumines every person.  He came into the world, and thought the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him [did not know Him].  He came to that which belonged to Him [to His own-His domain, creation, things, world], and they who were His own did not receive Him and did not welcome Him.  But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name."
John 1:9-12

"And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth."
John 1:14

Dear friends,
I hope you enjoy reading the above passages.  Savor them for they are filled with hope for the heart and soul.  Imagine the very Word (the Logos) of God breathed into human flesh and sent to redeem you and me.  Jesus could have come into our worlds like a thunder cloud- loud, visible and fierce.  But instead He came softly, quietly and gently in the form of a precious baby. 

I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that God in the flesh tabernacled (I love that word!) around men.  He pitched a tent and stayed awhile.  How precious is that?!  I want nothing more than God to tabernacle in this flawed, sinful, body of mine today.  Just pitch His tent right smack dab in the middle of my life and just stay awhile (and not just awhile- always).  Why?  Because this tabernacling God dispels the darkness of sin.  Because He is Life and Light- full, overflowing, abundant Life. 

My prayer for you and I is that we will allow the Lord's Christ, the Light that dispels darkness and illumines every person, to gentty and softly reveal His majesty and glory to us this Christmas Season.  He, beloved, is full of grace and loving-kindness and truth.  We need Him so desperately for in Him is Life and Life to the full.

May you receive Him anew and afresh!
Loving the Light of the world,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Opening His mouth he began to teach them...

I have been reading the Sermon on the Mount for weeks now. I have focused on Matthew's account of this powerful teaching from Jesus. I absolutely love the way the writer begins the sermon:

"And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying..."
Matthew 5:2
These words sent my mind directly to Isaiah 55....
"So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11
The word 'accomplishing' means "to do, to make, to accomplish, to complete. This Hebrew verb conveys the central notion of performing an activity with a distinct purpose, a moral obligation, or a goal in view." To give you a further illustration, the word 'teach' in Matthew 5:2 is written in Perfect Tense which "represents an action that was completed in the past but has continuing results."
Stay with me for a moment and allow me to make two points.
  1. God's word is relevant for today. Although God's word was spoken in the past it still has continuing results. God's word still has purpose for today and will have forever.
  2. God's word, when read, meditated upon, taught etc., will accomplish what God desires for it to accomplish!
God's word still has significance and application for our modern day lives. It can (and will) work in and through us to accomplish God's purposes so that you and I can live sanctified lives. Lives that are set-apart to accomplish God's purposes in this world for this generation. Based on the truths of God's word- He will succeed in what He sets out to accomplish!
When I have the opportunity to teach God's word I tend to be to be fearful. Because of my respect and reverence for Scripture and the power it carries in no way do I want to misrepresent its teaching. Therefore, I have a healthy level of fear when teaching others. Although I play a very small role in this teaching process (God and his Spirit plays the bigger role), I have learned that when God sends forth his word- it accomplishes and succeeds. Coupled with my healthy level of fear, I possess an even healthier level of trust in God. I believe that once I put the words out there- He will accomplish its intended purpose in and through others. Those of us who teach or share God's word have a huge responsibility to be students who dig deep and work as best we can to represent the Scriptures correctly. Once we have done this- we must trust God to accomplish his purpose.
Obviously, I get a bit excited over the promise of the continuing work of God's words. I am utterly thankful that as I open my Bible God's word still has a profound affect on me. I have read the Sermon on the Mount over and over again and each time it pierces my heart in a different way. Jesus' words challenge me to live, love and serve differently.

I recently purchased a new Bible to replace the one I had been using since 2001. You probably won't believe me but I mourned the shelving of this old friend, my NIV Life Application Bible. The pages inside were worn and the binding was falling apart. This dear friend was filled with notes and discoveries I had made as we journeyed together. This precious book, for almost 10 years, served as one of the greatest links to the building of my relationship with Jesus Christ.
As I think back on the years I have spent learning and growing through the pages of my NIV Life Application Bible, I could just weep in remembrance of the way God sent forth his word in my life and actually accomplished something! I now laugh over the fits I often threw when I didn't want to comply with his direction or commands. Many times I acted like a toddler throwing a tantrum (maybe that has something to do with spiritual milk verses spiritual meat!). When the day was done I agonized over not just listening and obeying in the first place!  The heartache I could have avoided if I had just listened and obeyed. Yes, another lesson learned the hard way.  But through it all my testimony still stands: "God truly sent forth his word and healed me!"  Through this NIV Life Application Study Bible, "Jesus opened his mouth and began to teach me" and I'm so much better for it! This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the power of God's word!
Allow me to encourage you towards God's word. My prayer is you will begin or continue a love relationship with God through his word. Be open to it's accomplishing work!
Blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving!