Friday, February 20, 2009

Breakfast woes....

Hello my favorite girlfriends (and maybe a few guy friends??),

I just have to share a early morning idea I had. It's a bit vain (well maybe not just a bit)! But humor me this morning! As most of you know I'm 'trying' to be a healthier new me. Praise God I have lost over 25 lbs. this year and I'm working semi hard to keep it off! Two and a half weeks of nothing but carbs (rice and more rice) didn't help things but I'm back at it again! So this morning I popped my 1.5 gram of fat, 50 calorie, no taste bagel in the toaster and headed to the fridge for my no fat, no calorie, no trans fat, no taste butter. When of all things my bagel got stuck in my 1980's green & silver toaster. Just so you know I'm not normally a breakfast person- I usually am to anxious to get out of the house of the mornings to start my day (plus I'm usually running late) so breakfast is not on my radar- coffee yes- food no! I've been told that eating breakfast helps boost your metabolism- so I'm trying!

Now back to my bagel problem. Here I am trying to fish out my bagel which is stuck so badly in my toaster- by the time I got it out my butter wouldn't melt on it because it was at this point cold. I considered putting in back in the toaster to warm it but it was so mangled from the fishing expedition that by this point I gave up. After one bite I had to chew so long my jaws hurt (and you thought that was because I talk too much!) I knew the microwave was NOT an option! Well in the midst of all this I had what I believe is a BRILLIANT idea!

You see, I was thinking, if I had one of those new fangled (is that a word?) toasters that was made for those no taste bagels I would not have had this problem. The mornings would be a lot less stressful and maybe just maybe I could get a hot bagel and my no taste butter would actually dissolve. The toaster I now own has been around for well over 15 years when Chad and I got married. It was Chad's before we married and I have no idea really how old the thing is. Do they even make appliances that last that long today? You would have thought we would have gotten a new toaster as a wedding present- but we didn't! Really, I don't hold a grudge. We did however have several WONDERFUL bridal showers which helped us tremendously to get our home started! We got all manner of sheets, towels, dishes, and kitchen appliances. It was such a blessing! There was no way in this world we could have afforded to start a home if it had not been for the generosity of so many people. So in the most vain way possible (please forgive me here) I was thinking how awesome it would be to have a 'MIDLIFE SHOWER'! You know where you could be gifted with all manner of up to date appliances like a toaster that will hold a bagel!! I'm figuring after 15 years of marriage all those wedding gifts have worn out. And 15 years this day and age is a real achievement that deserves to be celebrated!

I must tell you I despise buying this like toasters. And, Chad promised me early on that never in our marriage would he purchase a home item like appliances, sheets, towels, cleaning supplies for an occasion in our life like- anniversary's, birthdays, Valentines day or Christmas. And, to this day- he has kept his promise! I have to share with you that this man of mine is the most sentimental man I have ever met! He gets into cards, flowers, and gifts like nobodies business! He treats me far better than I have ever deserved. You know- he's one of those rare finds that thinks his gifts through. He may not lavish me with an expensive gift but you better believe that he has put long hard hours into thinking about the sweetest most memorable gift he can give.

Okay- back to the topic at hand. Could any of you out there use a 'MIDLIFE Shower'?

Now- to be serious! I called my sweet husband on the way to work to share with him my breakfast woes and what I thought was a brilliant idea only to have him bring me down a few notches. His words to me were "Lori, just think of the many people in the world who had nothing to eat for breakfast this morning." Of all the NERVE! ha! Can you believe he would say such a thing to me??? Just kidding! He was completely correct. Not only is my man a thoughtful man- he is the one person that keeps me on the straight and narrow. He holds nothing back when it comes to helping me become the woman God wants me to be. I'm so lucky girls! So blessed. Although I was just poking fun over my bagel- Chad was right on. So often we spend time (me included) focused on so many petty issues in the big scheme of the Kingdom of God that I bet God just wants to pick us up and give us a good shake back into reality!

I just had the privilege of spending 2 1/2 weeks in India and as we drove through the country it was not uncommon to see women digging through trash in hopes of finding something to eat. Nor was it uncommon to see women, men and children begging for money to eat. Beloved, we are so blessed to be born in America.

I asked God over and over on this trip-why did you choose me to be so blessed? I could have just as easily been born in India or Africa or any other third world country who has people dying daily of starvation. But he didn't. He had a plan for me and I believe part of that plan was to see first hand the depth and breath of the needs that you and I should work to meet. And in small ways we are. Like supporting 30 orphan children a month. These children would be eating from the trash in the streets and some were before they were brought into the orphanage. But there is more to be done. Please pray about ways you can help support these 30 children and the many more that David would like to bring into the orphanage. He needs more funding to bring more children in. I saw the KINGDOM INVESTMENT being made in the lives of these orphan children in India. They will be forever seared to my heart. I cry just knowing they are mine- but more importantly- they are HIS.

God be praised today for HIS merciful provisions in our life! Thank you girls for allowing me to be silly with you and intense all in the same post! You are the best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a team effort, we keep each other in line. I enjoyed your story. I think the toaster came from S & H Green Stamps, it is a collectors item. Thanks for your nice comments. I Love You!
