Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just a note...

Hey Gals,
I have just a few minutes but I just wanted to share with you how blessed I feel today! I just stepped into our Thursday morning Ladies Study to say Hello and give the gals a few updates on what will be happening in Women's Ministry here at Harrison over the next several months. I just love Thursday's group! They are so committed to their group! And, they are so unique--most all of them are old enough to be my mother and all of them have been followers of Jesus much longer than I have but this sweet group embraced this younger, greener Christ follower and 'wanna be' leader as if I knew something they didn't! I laugh just thinking about it! Every single one of them could teach me a thing or two but instead they allowed me the privilege to 'attempt' to teach them. I sit here today just thinking of all the things they taught me. I've learned so much through them- one thing in particular is a long obedience in the same direction!

The other thing that just blessed me so by this sweet group today is their new leader. I have officially handed over the reigns (as if I ever had a hold of them!) to Shirley Crowe. She had it in her all along to be the leader of this group! And, God be Praised, she is a wonderful small group leader- and her group just LOVES her! I'm so thrilled! I can't tell you how I love to see God working in and through people! It just sends me to my knees every time!

What I've seen through Women's Ministry at Harrison is that sometimes leaders have to get out of the way so that other's can develop and use their gifts. Had I continued to lead this Thursday group Shirley may have never stepped up or gotten the opportunity to use her God given talents because you know who (little old me) was in the way!

I truly believe that God has gifted many of the women at Harrison to be leaders in many areas of service to our Lord. I've seen many of you step up and out of your comfort zones to try new things and reach new heights in your walk with and service to Jesus. I consider myself so lucky to have been a small part in the ripple effect your lives are having inside and outside the church!

Just know today- I'm one blessed lover of Jesus and a huge chunk of that has to do with each and every one of you ladies!
Love to all,

1 comment:

Christy said...

Thanks for imparting your "passing the reigns" wisdom to me yesterday. I "know" the philosophy and that I shouldn't be the "one girl show" but it slowly evolves to be that way over time. That's my next plan of action, which, in turn, will help develop my ministry team for Elementary KidzTown. Thanks again for your friendship, accountability, and understanding!!!! ~ Christy D