Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Lie....

Hello ladies,

Here comes my second India story for the week. As many of you know we spent a couple of days in India with David and Jemimma Raju and their family and the orphan children at the Redemption Ministries Nash Campus. The second part of our trip was spent with another couple of very dear friends, Abraham and Valsa Thomas.

Abraham and Valsa have an outstanding Godly ministry in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Thekkady (there are probably a few more I've not listed). Since 1998, through God's work and Abraham and his minister's diligence, over 9,000 men, women and children have been converted to Christianity to the Glory of God. I'm utterly amazed by those numbers and even more so since I have traveled twice to India.

Converting people in India is no easy feat. Imagine for a moment someone coming to you and trying to teach you a different concept religiously than you have ever known. Imagine someone trying to change your lifelong beliefs to a totally different belief. This is the very thing Abraham and those who minister with him are doing.

Every Christ Evangelical Fellowship Church we preached in while in India had a Hindu temple or shrine nearby. It was not abnormal to hear Hindu prayers or music blaring from loud speakers while we were worshipping at church (sometimes we even felt we were in competition as to who could be the loudest). It was also not uncommon to see a shrine almost next to the church itself (the picture above with the concrete platform is a Hindu worship site which was located directly beside C.E.F. Church). There is not room enough on this blog to explain in depth what these precious missionaries are up against when it comes to reaching the lost for Christ in India. They despreatly need our prayers and support.

On our last day in India, before heading to the airport, Abraham took us to one of the largest Hindu temples in India in Maudrai. This temple was at least three city blocks long- it was huge to say the least. We were told thousands of people come to the temple daily for prayer and worship. Not one memeber of our team knew what to expect when we were taken inside. We were overwhelmed with the feeling of opression. Although most of our team didn't understand our visit to this temple-I totally got it. Abraham is a very smart man. I believe full well that he needed for us to see the day to day battles that he and his minister's face as they attempt to reach people for Christ. How else could we understand their world if we didn't see how the majorty of the world lived and worshipped.

The story I'm about to share with you still brings tears to my eyes and I hope in some way it will widen your thinking about the mission of the church. The other picture you see above is of a concrete cow that was inside the Hindu temple we visted. This again was one of the many idols worshipped inside. I stood in utter horror as I watched women brinning their children to wisper their prayers into the ear of this cow. The moms would cup their hands around the ear of the cow as the children would speak into their hands. I was told they did this to insure the prayers were heard.

As I watched this scene unfold everything within me wanted to shout "Lie!!" My heart was broken for these dear people. In no way do I seek to disrespect these precious people by this post. What struck me so was the faith and belief they have in multiple gods. The work they pour into trying to become what these gods expect in hopes that in the next life they will come back better off than they have been.

Everything within me wanted to scream "You've been taught a lie! But I know the TRUTH!" I stood their realizing I knew the way to true salvation and hope- I held the knowledge of their future in my hands. I know that their eternity will be forever spent in hell without Jesus Christ. I knew the Name upon which every knee will one day bow and confess- JESUS. Beloved, the vast majorty of the people worshipping in this temple have never heard His name. But I knew it. You know it. They do not.

Once you have seen the hardship the majorty of Indian people face daily your heart breaks even more. Here they were crying out for help and no help will be given. They are in desperate need of hope and peace. Know this---there was absolutley no PEACE in what our team witnessed taking place in this temple. The only thing I saw was broken lives and broken dreams and a people in desperate need to know the TRUTH. These people live in captivity to a religon that is full of lies. They are in grave need of the freedom that naming Jesus as Lord brings to ones life.

How will they ever learn the truth? Through people like Abraham & Valsa Thomas and David & Jemmia Raju. Both of these dear families are sold out to reaching the lost world of India for Jesus. And, with God's help, they are doing it! One life at a time they are making a difference and helping to grow the Kingdom of God. Please pray earnestly for them. There days are long and many are ridden with fear and discouragement. You may recall me mentioning the young Bible school students who will graduate this May and go out in to the world of India to plant churches. When we asked them what they had struggled most with in their ministries before coming to the school they told us the beatings. Can you imagine? You and I have no idea the sacrifice these ambassadors of God are making daily.

Although this post seems a bit sad- there is much to rejoice in in the midst of this overwhelming job of reaching India and many countries just like India. We rejoice in God for he is always at work.
Blessings to all,

"For you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32

Monday, February 23, 2009

As promised.....

Hello to all,

I promised some time ago (maybe a week or two) to get some pictures on the blog of our India trip. So, for the next two posts I will share a couple with you along with two stories. For today, I would like to focus on our time at Redemption Ministries and the Nash Campus Orphans.

The pictures you see are of the orphan children that our Women's Ministry at Harrison support. Thirty of the fifty children are supported financially through the giving of women here at Harrison. I can't say enough about how very proud I am of you ladies for giving so freely.

For those of you who aren't aware of how this giving works or when it came about- let me fill you in. We are into our second year of giving to Redemption Ministries. Beginning in June of each year we work to get monthly pledges to support 30 children for one year. The monthly pledge this year is $15 per month- per child (or $180 total per child per year). Some ladies have partnered with a friend to support a child-meaning they split the cost. Some gave a one-time love offering of what they could afford. We call this monthly giving 'James 1:27 Ministries' after the verse, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Could you imagine housing, feeding, clothing, educating and giving health care to your children for $180 per year? I can't either. And to be truthful it is not enough. They need so much more. But with what we have given thus far 30 children are now off the street and in a new home! Praise the Lord! David and Jemima Raju who runs Redemption Ministries and the orphanage do a wonderful job making a rupee (the Indian dollar) stretch!

David and Jemima are wonderful Godly people. While in India, we stayed two days at their home. They treated us as if we were royalty. I can honestly say for the first time in my life I saw what true Biblical hospitality is like. Their whole family embraced and loved us. I can't begin to explain the sacrifice and trouble this family went too to have us in their home and care for us. Never in my life have I been treated with such love and affection.

In the picture above you will see our team with David (in the navy tee) and his three children (Glory, Shanthi and Pardeep). I met this precious family two years ago on my first trip to India and have kept up contact with them ever since. I can testify that all of them have a passionate love for our Lord and want nothing more in this life than to serve him. And they do. I witnessed their love and service first hand through the orphan children. You could see the children's love and respect for the Raju family. And there was no doubt in my mind the love the Raju family has for these children.

Now, let me tell you about the children. Oh my goodness. They are the MOST precious darlings you have ever seen. I came home calling them my babies. And they are. The Lord himself seared their little hearts to mine. For two years now, every email conversation I have had with the Raju's has started and ended with...'How are the children?' and 'Tell them I love them'. David will testify too- they are mine. I feel an immense responsibility for them. I realize that I am not alone in this feeling either. I have no doubt that every member of our India team left the orphanage feeling as if the children belonged to them too. My prayer is that every woman who pledges monthly to these precious ones will feel the same. I pray that the children will know they have a whole lot of mom's in Tennessee who love them.

Sadly, our giving and visiting can never take the place of real moms and dads these precious children are without. But as much as I feel they belong to me, I am forever grateful that they belong to HIM, Jesus. He is their Heavenly Father. As I left the orphanage, saying goodbye was hard. I trust that they are in the loving and capable hands of the Raju family and their Heavenly Father. I'm trusting God for each and everyone of their futures. I told Him as much too! Everyday- I remind Him they are His (as if He could or would ever forget them!). But, it helps me!

While we were with the children they preformed their Christmas play for us--it was too cute! I was amazed at how well they had memorized their lines for the program. They did such a fine job!

We gave them the McDonald's Happy Meal toys, pencils, gum and candy everyone donated. Let me just tell you- it was like Christmas morning at the Drain's. They were so THRILLED to have these new things- things my kids would just throw away. Words can't express what something so insignificant to us means to them.

We also got to hand out a new set of clothes to each of them. The boys were given a shirt and a pair of pants and the girls got a shirt and a skirt. Every last one of them matched. Everyone had the same color and style. The kids were ecstatic. They would hold up their clothes for their buddies to see (as if they didn't get the very same thing)! I sat there bawling. I have never seen so much joy on a child's face in all my life for something you and I take for granted. Daisy over heard two of the boys say "Auntie Lori is weeping." I wish I could have explained to them how I felt. I had such mixed emotion. On one hand I couldn't have been happier- the children were happy and so much better off than what they were two years ago. On the other hand- I felt so sad for us- for me. I forget the simple pleasures and the blessings the Lord so richly provides for us. We are so rich and most of the time we don't even realize it.

After handing out the clothes for the children we were asked to give the children a word of instruction. I was totally not prepared for this. I sat there thinking to myself....if this were the last time I would see Shelby and Gabe what would I want to tell could I say a lifetime of words in a few minutes. In tears, I told them I loved them and more importantly Jesus loves them. I asked them to obey and honor the Raju family, their teachers and ministry leaders because they love them too. I asked them to take care of one another. I can't tell you how very inadequate I felt at this moment and many others while we were in India.

Before we left the orphanage the Raju family had purchased coco-nut trees for us to plant there in our honor. It was such a humbling experience for us. And, it was a thrill for the children. They enjoyed it just as much as we did. David told us that every time they looked at the trees they would remember us. We were touched beyond words.

Oh, how I wish I were better with words. I wish I could help those of you who support these children know what your giving means to them. For those of you who don't support them- I wish you would consider making a donation or taking on a child for yourself. Beloved, I believe with all my heart that giving to this ministry is a Kingdom Investment that you and I will never know the depth of here on earth. There are more children awaiting a home in the orphanage but the funding isn't there. They barely scrap by on what we give let alone take in more children. The orphanage, girls and boys dorms, classrooms, and dinning hall has the room for more children but the money just isn't there to support any more at this time. Please pray for these children and those in need of a home. If you are interested in giving financially please see me, Lori Shepherd or Robert Curry.

Well, this has been a short glimpse into a wealth of experience. It falls so short of what I would like to offer you in the form of words but I pray that God will use it to bless you and the children!

Love to all,


Friday, February 20, 2009

Breakfast woes....

Hello my favorite girlfriends (and maybe a few guy friends??),

I just have to share a early morning idea I had. It's a bit vain (well maybe not just a bit)! But humor me this morning! As most of you know I'm 'trying' to be a healthier new me. Praise God I have lost over 25 lbs. this year and I'm working semi hard to keep it off! Two and a half weeks of nothing but carbs (rice and more rice) didn't help things but I'm back at it again! So this morning I popped my 1.5 gram of fat, 50 calorie, no taste bagel in the toaster and headed to the fridge for my no fat, no calorie, no trans fat, no taste butter. When of all things my bagel got stuck in my 1980's green & silver toaster. Just so you know I'm not normally a breakfast person- I usually am to anxious to get out of the house of the mornings to start my day (plus I'm usually running late) so breakfast is not on my radar- coffee yes- food no! I've been told that eating breakfast helps boost your metabolism- so I'm trying!

Now back to my bagel problem. Here I am trying to fish out my bagel which is stuck so badly in my toaster- by the time I got it out my butter wouldn't melt on it because it was at this point cold. I considered putting in back in the toaster to warm it but it was so mangled from the fishing expedition that by this point I gave up. After one bite I had to chew so long my jaws hurt (and you thought that was because I talk too much!) I knew the microwave was NOT an option! Well in the midst of all this I had what I believe is a BRILLIANT idea!

You see, I was thinking, if I had one of those new fangled (is that a word?) toasters that was made for those no taste bagels I would not have had this problem. The mornings would be a lot less stressful and maybe just maybe I could get a hot bagel and my no taste butter would actually dissolve. The toaster I now own has been around for well over 15 years when Chad and I got married. It was Chad's before we married and I have no idea really how old the thing is. Do they even make appliances that last that long today? You would have thought we would have gotten a new toaster as a wedding present- but we didn't! Really, I don't hold a grudge. We did however have several WONDERFUL bridal showers which helped us tremendously to get our home started! We got all manner of sheets, towels, dishes, and kitchen appliances. It was such a blessing! There was no way in this world we could have afforded to start a home if it had not been for the generosity of so many people. So in the most vain way possible (please forgive me here) I was thinking how awesome it would be to have a 'MIDLIFE SHOWER'! You know where you could be gifted with all manner of up to date appliances like a toaster that will hold a bagel!! I'm figuring after 15 years of marriage all those wedding gifts have worn out. And 15 years this day and age is a real achievement that deserves to be celebrated!

I must tell you I despise buying this like toasters. And, Chad promised me early on that never in our marriage would he purchase a home item like appliances, sheets, towels, cleaning supplies for an occasion in our life like- anniversary's, birthdays, Valentines day or Christmas. And, to this day- he has kept his promise! I have to share with you that this man of mine is the most sentimental man I have ever met! He gets into cards, flowers, and gifts like nobodies business! He treats me far better than I have ever deserved. You know- he's one of those rare finds that thinks his gifts through. He may not lavish me with an expensive gift but you better believe that he has put long hard hours into thinking about the sweetest most memorable gift he can give.

Okay- back to the topic at hand. Could any of you out there use a 'MIDLIFE Shower'?

Now- to be serious! I called my sweet husband on the way to work to share with him my breakfast woes and what I thought was a brilliant idea only to have him bring me down a few notches. His words to me were "Lori, just think of the many people in the world who had nothing to eat for breakfast this morning." Of all the NERVE! ha! Can you believe he would say such a thing to me??? Just kidding! He was completely correct. Not only is my man a thoughtful man- he is the one person that keeps me on the straight and narrow. He holds nothing back when it comes to helping me become the woman God wants me to be. I'm so lucky girls! So blessed. Although I was just poking fun over my bagel- Chad was right on. So often we spend time (me included) focused on so many petty issues in the big scheme of the Kingdom of God that I bet God just wants to pick us up and give us a good shake back into reality!

I just had the privilege of spending 2 1/2 weeks in India and as we drove through the country it was not uncommon to see women digging through trash in hopes of finding something to eat. Nor was it uncommon to see women, men and children begging for money to eat. Beloved, we are so blessed to be born in America.

I asked God over and over on this trip-why did you choose me to be so blessed? I could have just as easily been born in India or Africa or any other third world country who has people dying daily of starvation. But he didn't. He had a plan for me and I believe part of that plan was to see first hand the depth and breath of the needs that you and I should work to meet. And in small ways we are. Like supporting 30 orphan children a month. These children would be eating from the trash in the streets and some were before they were brought into the orphanage. But there is more to be done. Please pray about ways you can help support these 30 children and the many more that David would like to bring into the orphanage. He needs more funding to bring more children in. I saw the KINGDOM INVESTMENT being made in the lives of these orphan children in India. They will be forever seared to my heart. I cry just knowing they are mine- but more importantly- they are HIS.

God be praised today for HIS merciful provisions in our life! Thank you girls for allowing me to be silly with you and intense all in the same post! You are the best!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just a note...

Hey Gals,
I have just a few minutes but I just wanted to share with you how blessed I feel today! I just stepped into our Thursday morning Ladies Study to say Hello and give the gals a few updates on what will be happening in Women's Ministry here at Harrison over the next several months. I just love Thursday's group! They are so committed to their group! And, they are so unique--most all of them are old enough to be my mother and all of them have been followers of Jesus much longer than I have but this sweet group embraced this younger, greener Christ follower and 'wanna be' leader as if I knew something they didn't! I laugh just thinking about it! Every single one of them could teach me a thing or two but instead they allowed me the privilege to 'attempt' to teach them. I sit here today just thinking of all the things they taught me. I've learned so much through them- one thing in particular is a long obedience in the same direction!

The other thing that just blessed me so by this sweet group today is their new leader. I have officially handed over the reigns (as if I ever had a hold of them!) to Shirley Crowe. She had it in her all along to be the leader of this group! And, God be Praised, she is a wonderful small group leader- and her group just LOVES her! I'm so thrilled! I can't tell you how I love to see God working in and through people! It just sends me to my knees every time!

What I've seen through Women's Ministry at Harrison is that sometimes leaders have to get out of the way so that other's can develop and use their gifts. Had I continued to lead this Thursday group Shirley may have never stepped up or gotten the opportunity to use her God given talents because you know who (little old me) was in the way!

I truly believe that God has gifted many of the women at Harrison to be leaders in many areas of service to our Lord. I've seen many of you step up and out of your comfort zones to try new things and reach new heights in your walk with and service to Jesus. I consider myself so lucky to have been a small part in the ripple effect your lives are having inside and outside the church!

Just know today- I'm one blessed lover of Jesus and a huge chunk of that has to do with each and every one of you ladies!
Love to all,

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jet lagged....

Okay girls.....I just have one question for you today...... When does jet lag ever stop????? No kidding- I'm so tired I don't even like myself today! I can hardly put two thoughts together! What I am listing in this post is all this tired and feeble brain can crank out today!

Even though I'm so tired I could cry- I just want to tell you how very much I love Jesus. He is everything! So worthy of all our Praise- and even more worthy of our whole lives! Nothing held back. I'm ever thankful that God is still at work today. He is in control. He is a miracle worker. He is mighty to save. He is freedom, life, salvation, a help in troubled times, our refuge, and our Redeemer. Everything.

"I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom."
Psalm 145:1-3
Praising Him,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We're Back....

Hello to all,
Our India Mission Team arrived home Tuesday night at around 5:45 p.m. We left India on Sunday (US time). It has been a long but wonderful journey. We are so thankful for the many prayers lifted to the Lord on our behalf. Our trip went so well. We know that the reason everything went so smoothly was because of prayer. We can't thank you enough!

My mind is still reeling from the profound experience of India and not just my mind- but my body as well. My internal clock is still on Indian time. I couldn't hold my eyes open passed 7:00 p.m. last night and I was awake at 3:00 a.m.-I finally got up and started another load of laundry by 4:00 a.m. then went back to bed and then by 5:00 a.m I just couldn't lay in bed any longer so I got up and was in the office before 7:00 a.m. this morning!

I am working on downloading all of our pictures and I hope to post some soon for you to look at. So, hang in there with me for awhile! We plan on sharing with the church on Wednesday, March 4th the details and pictures from the trip so mark your calendar and plan on joining us!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers and support! We couldn't have done it without your help and the help of our families! We are so blessed!
Love to all,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Leaving Today

Hello to all,
Sorry it has been a couple of days since our last post. We have been up early and back to the motel late & have not been able to write.

We finished up teaching the Bible School students this week. They were so sweet. All of them are very eager to learn. They sing & worship like a choir of 200 and there are only 13 of them. They so blessed us. Teaching them was one of the many highlights of our trip. I shared with them on Friday about a special friend of ours in the U.S. who made me a special gift before we left home. I passed the gift around for all of them to see. They then prayed for my friend, Dayton. They are so passionate in their prayers. They told us they would pray for Dayton daily. It was such a special moment for all of us. And, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt- they will pray daily as they promised!!! They arise every morning at 5:30 for prayer and devotions. They fast once or twice a week and pray. They are a very special group of Godly young men.

We had several evening worship services in churches all over most of them were at least an hour away from where we were staying. Each service had at least 175 people in them. Every building that we preached in was packed and people were standing outside around the doorways and windows to listen in and participate. They carried on with worship just as if they were sitting inside with us. Chad & Brenda C. preached and did an awesome job! Abraham preached as well. After most every service we would have people come forward for prayer. We had some amazing moments during this time. One evening there was a young girl who was disformed. She was so beautiful yet one leg was way to small and her arm & shoulder was bent all out of shape. She couldn't walk. We prayed for her. What was so sad was knowing in the US she could get help.

Saturday we got to go to a tiger reserve for a boat ride. We saw elephants, birds, deer and wild boar. It was a fun time. All the Bible School boys went with us and it was the first time they had ever gone. Stephen, the Dean of the School, told us they have been asking for along time to go- he said he told them to keep praying- and they did! And, their prayers were answered. It was a great day!

After the boat ride Valsa took us shopping near the hotel to finish up a few gift items for our families.

Sunday we had another church dedication service. We were met at the end of the road where the church was by the congregation. They had garlands & bouquets of flowers for each of us. They played music and sang as we all walked together up a long hill to the church. What a wonderful time we had! Brenda Allen dedicated the church. It was a building donated by her home church, Fly Branch Christian. They have about 80 members there & have built several church buildings & parsonages over the years here.

Sunday afternoon was also fun. Abraham and Valsa took us on an elephant ride. I was personally the big chicken in the group! They put me in the middle of Chad & Brenda C. We talked about how we would have never imagined in a million years that we would travel to India in our lifetime to preach, teach and ride an elephant! God is so good! We enjoyed the ride so much.

Valsa cooked dinner for us 2 nights in a row and it was AWESOME! We have fell in love with Indian bread! So she made some special for us both times.

This morning we went to the Center to tell the Bible School students goodbye. It was a sweet but sad time. They had many wonderful things to say to us and we had many to say to them. We took pictures together and said our goodbyes.

Now we are finishing up checking out of the motel, having lunch and will be picked up by Abraham soon. We will drive 4 hours to the airport where we will leave at 9 pm Indian time and fly to Chennai. From there we leave at 2 am Indian time for Paris. We will be back Tuesday evening in the US. Please pray for our safe travel.

We love and miss you all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Good afternoon to all! Or should I say- Happy Sleeping? It is 4:15 a.m. in the U.S. but its 3:45 p.m. here in India ( or at least I think it is! I've had a hard time figuring out what time it is!!!)

Our India team is doing well! We just had our 300th serving of rice for lunch. No joke- we've had rice about every day for every meal except breakfast and that has been toast & eggs everyday! Needless to say we all want a salad, or a hamburger-- anything but rice!! But, God be Praised!! I shouldn't complain about what we are eating- many people here are lucky to get a serving of rice a day. We are so humbled. Being here makes you realize how petty your complaints and problems are. I've realized my own selfishness and pettiness. I have a profound new perspective on what is really important. I wish each of you were here with me. There are things we have seen and done that just drives you to your knees in thanks to our Almighty God. He has been so good to us- and not just me- you too. Take some time today to sit in Awe of all the many blessings he has given you. God is good- all the time- and all the time- God is good!!

Our team is all well and safe. We feel your prayers and know that we have had an amazing hedge of protection around us this whole trip! Yesterday, Valsa took us shopping. We drove about 2 hours or so into another town and went to a particular store then we had a nice lunch and headed back over the mountains- through the tea, rubber, sugarcane, and coconut plantations. What a view! The word 'beautiful' doese'nt even come close! We were so high up in the mountains- It was scary at times. The roads here are very narrow and you go over switchback after switchback....or one curve after another. Indian roads give 'S' a new name. Dramamine has become Tracy & Daisy's new best friend! No joke! They have eaten it like candy! And, Praise God- it has worked & they haven't gotten car sick! The rest of us haven't experienced any naseau from the driving. Fear- but not naseau.

We enjoyed the day with Valsa very much. We went to dinner last night- with just our team. We've had so much fun together. Everyone has been great! They all have been such a blessing.

This morning we spent several hours teaching the Bible school students- all 13 of them and their teachers. They are an amazing group of young men. Today they told us of some of the obstacles they had already faced in the churches they have served in. This blew our minds!! Many of them had already faced beatings and persecution from Hindu Extremists. They have faced things you and I could never imagine. They have seen many miracles too. They told us of a Hindu temple that was beside their church. When they would have services the Hindu temple would start playing music on loud speakers so they could not conduct their worship services. So they decided to fast and pray. After this they went to the homes of those who worshipped in the temple and prayed for them. One family had a daughter who was blind. They began to pray for her and over time & as they kept coming and praying- God healed her. Now, many of those families have converted to Christianity because of the miracle God did for this little girl.

Tonight we will be preaching at a church an hour or so away from where we are. So, please pray for us tonight. Brenda Colonnell is preaching. Please pray for her energy level. She hasn't slept well in several days--- there is way too much noise at night here & it is hard to sleep. Other than that she is great! She has been the courageous one where food has been concerned. She has tried things that you couldn't pay me to eat!! Again, our team has been so great! We have gotten along so wonderfully together!

We can't thank you enough for your prayers! We have a lot of work to finish in the next few days before we leave-- so keep praying!

We love and miss you all,


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hello to all!
I hope by now you have figured out that I don't have time to spell check or recheck what I am posting- so forgive me but that is just the way it goes!

We are all well here in India and are in AWE of God and HIS work! Let me breifly catch you up on the past few days:
  1. We had a Women's Conference on Saturday with over 400 ladies present! God be Praised! We all taught and the ladies seemed to soak in every word! We had a bit of a fiasco when we handed out the lotions after the meeting. We will have to explain everything once we get home. But it all worked out fine. The fiasco taught us what can happen when people have nothing. And, most of the people we have ministered too have very little or nothing at all in life but Jesus himself.
  2. We traveled all day Sunday to 2 different churches and dedicated them in the Name of the Lord Jesus Chirst for His Glory and work. For those of you who attend Harrison Christian Church there is no way to explain what these builidings meant to the pople here. I can't express in words the gratitiude offered to us because of your hard work and giving. This was a treasured moment for all of us here. We can't wait to show you the pictures and tell the stories of these dedications. We had many come to us for prayer after the services. It was overwhelming- the needs that they each have. We laid hands on them and blessed them & lifted up what needs we could determine they had. One in paticular was a 15 year old girl whose mother had died and her father had ran off and left her. She was all alone in the world. I wept over her as I prayed. I can't tell you how often the needs of the people have been so great that our hearts have felt as if they were going to break into. Such pain yet such happiness in Jesus.
  3. Monday we spent the whole day teaching the Bible School Students. 13 Boys ages 16 and up who are training to be pastors. It was a wonderful day. The boys are so sweet and egar to learn. That evening we drove to one of Abraham's first churches where we had a preaching service. The church was in the middle of a tea plantation. It was a beautiful setting. It was a great service & Chad and Abraham preached their hearts out!
  4. Today we spent the day with over 100 pastors (I think that is a good number). We taught on Jesus model of Servant-Leadership! It was a wonderful meeting. The men sang so loud and with such passion It made our hair stand up!
  5. Tonight we are taking Valsa out to eat & we have a free evening to rest. Our minds can use a break!

I haven't told you much about our time with David Raju and the orphans. I will have to wait until we have more time. There is so much to tell & so little time! But I promise we will write as we can!

Thank you all for your prayers! We can feel them!

Love to all,
