Thursday, December 10, 2009

A few years ago my son, Gabe, informed me he wanted to change his name.  I was totally surprised by his request and honestly heartbroken.  My husband and I spent a long time choosing the perfect name for our sweet angel boy which was delivered three days short of Christmas day.  We purposely chose the name Gabriel which means 'Good News'.  Our precious son was such good news to our lives then and still today.  Gabe's birth made for the most memorable Christmas Chad and I have ever had. 

You can imagine my horror when Gabe let me know he did not share the love that Chad and I have for his name.  What's a mom to do?  I set out to gently help Gabe realize how special his name is.  I spent time trying to convince my little man that his name was in the Bible and it was hand picked by me and his dad.  All this convincing got me nowhere.  Gabe's mind was made up- he wanted a new name.

Thinking through this ugly reality I began to figure that Gabe probably wanted to be named after his favorite sports player, movie star or cartoon character.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  The name he had picked for himself (you might want to sit down for this news) was MAX.  Surely Max was a name of someone he admired greatly.  Wrong again!  It was the short spelling that attracted my little guy to the name Max.  Max had only 3 letters as compared to 7 (or 4 if you count his nick-name, Gabe). 

So what gives?  Can you believe it?  Changing his sweet, precious, hand picked, prayed over name for one that is shorter!  I let Gabe know right away that Max will be harder to write in cursive because of the 'x'.  And after a little digging on my part, Max is short for 'maximum'.  Gabe explained to me how he wanted to reach his maximum potential on his 3rd grade spelling test.  You see, when his teacher gave a spelling test each Friday he said he didn't have time to spell out his name on the paper before she called out the first word on the test which causes him to get behind and rush to take the test. 

Gabe argued for a long time we should change his name in order for him to write faster.  I argued back with which is worst-a broken hearted mother or a 'B' on a spelling test?  We all know the saying, "If mama ain't happy- ain't nobody happy!"

Short cuts, we all look for them from time to time.  Whether it is shorting our name or cutting corners in our work place.  Some short cuts in life can cause serious damage.  Consider building a home.  Would you want a contractor to work with excellence or take as many short cuts as possible to finish the job quicker? 

Short cuts in our walk with God can cost down the road too.  Not only do short cuts short change us in the here and now, they can short change us for all eternity.  Most of the time, we take short cuts in our spiritual lives because our daily lives are out of control with busyness.  We truly don't have the time or we don't make the time to do the things that will glorify our Lord and grow us closer in relationship to him.  We've allowed other things to take priority (and sometimes very good things).  In the midst of taking a short cut and only doing what is absolutely necessary to get by- we short change us!  We miss out.

This time of year is especially busy.  Shopping, decorating, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, and attending events can take precedence over our spiritual walk.  This is the time of year in which we as Christians should focus on Christ most.  After all, isn't Christmas a celebration of Christ coming into the world? 

Allow me to encourage you to reprioritize your December now- its not too late!  Schedule daily time alone praying, reading scripture and worshipping Christ.  Make it first priority instead of no priority.  Do not let yourself miss out on the real reason for Christmas this year because of a to-do-list that doesn't include Jesus.  Jesus did not take short cuts when it came to you and me.  Let's not short change him or ourselves the privilege of savoring our Savior this Christmas!

Loving the One,

Monday, December 7, 2009

"The Plight Before Christmas"

I heard the following poem on the radio program of Crown Financial Ministries and thought it was very thought provoking.  Every year I find it a struggle to keep Christmas in perspective when the world around me says "You and those you love need more stuff!  So shop till you drop!"  Somewhere in the midst of all the 'stuff' we can loose the real joy of what Christmas is meant to embody- the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ, family, and friends.  This Christmas, I want the gift of shared relationships.  More than anything I want to be still and enjoying those I love and to spend time savoring my Savior.   If you are anything like me- you may struggle a bit with the shopping list and the to-do-list.  Praying this poem helps you too!

“The Plight Before Christmas.”

'Tis the month before Christmas and all through the house,

Our two teens leave gift lists for me and my spouse.

They scribble and write, compose and compare,

In hopes that St. Nick has some big bucks to spare!

But Dad with his wallet and I with my purse,

Realize things have taken a turn for the worse.

Gone are the days of toy cars and doll beds,

When visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.

It's CDs, and sweaters, and watches and rings,

Computers and Play Station Games of all things.

More rapid than reindeer the items ring up,

We'll have to get second and third jobs to keep up!

So I think for a minute, and then start to smile--

The answer's been with me, there all the while.

Then I gather my children and with hugs and a kiss,

I remind them it's not about presents and lists.

It's about friends and family, and laughter and love,

And the blessings we're given from God up above.

In the midst of the frenzy and the lure of the mall,

We shouldn't forget..the greatest Gift of all.

And then I'll exclaim 'ere I turn in for the night,

"Happy Christmas to all, and... may we all get it right!"

Our thanks to Mary Beth Weisenberger of Continental, Ohio for reminding us to keep Christ in our Christmas.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Word Became Flesh...

"In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.  He was present originally with God.  All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.  In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.  And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it]. "
John 1:1-5

"There it was-the true Light [was then] coming into the world [the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light] that illumines every person.  He came into the world, and thought the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him [did not know Him].  He came to that which belonged to Him [to His own-His domain, creation, things, world], and they who were His own did not receive Him and did not welcome Him.  But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name."
John 1:9-12

"And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth."
John 1:14

Dear friends,
I hope you enjoy reading the above passages.  Savor them for they are filled with hope for the heart and soul.  Imagine the very Word (the Logos) of God breathed into human flesh and sent to redeem you and me.  Jesus could have come into our worlds like a thunder cloud- loud, visible and fierce.  But instead He came softly, quietly and gently in the form of a precious baby. 

I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that God in the flesh tabernacled (I love that word!) around men.  He pitched a tent and stayed awhile.  How precious is that?!  I want nothing more than God to tabernacle in this flawed, sinful, body of mine today.  Just pitch His tent right smack dab in the middle of my life and just stay awhile (and not just awhile- always).  Why?  Because this tabernacling God dispels the darkness of sin.  Because He is Life and Light- full, overflowing, abundant Life. 

My prayer for you and I is that we will allow the Lord's Christ, the Light that dispels darkness and illumines every person, to gentty and softly reveal His majesty and glory to us this Christmas Season.  He, beloved, is full of grace and loving-kindness and truth.  We need Him so desperately for in Him is Life and Life to the full.

May you receive Him anew and afresh!
Loving the Light of the world,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Opening His mouth he began to teach them...

I have been reading the Sermon on the Mount for weeks now. I have focused on Matthew's account of this powerful teaching from Jesus. I absolutely love the way the writer begins the sermon:

"And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying..."
Matthew 5:2
These words sent my mind directly to Isaiah 55....
"So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11
The word 'accomplishing' means "to do, to make, to accomplish, to complete. This Hebrew verb conveys the central notion of performing an activity with a distinct purpose, a moral obligation, or a goal in view." To give you a further illustration, the word 'teach' in Matthew 5:2 is written in Perfect Tense which "represents an action that was completed in the past but has continuing results."
Stay with me for a moment and allow me to make two points.
  1. God's word is relevant for today. Although God's word was spoken in the past it still has continuing results. God's word still has purpose for today and will have forever.
  2. God's word, when read, meditated upon, taught etc., will accomplish what God desires for it to accomplish!
God's word still has significance and application for our modern day lives. It can (and will) work in and through us to accomplish God's purposes so that you and I can live sanctified lives. Lives that are set-apart to accomplish God's purposes in this world for this generation. Based on the truths of God's word- He will succeed in what He sets out to accomplish!
When I have the opportunity to teach God's word I tend to be to be fearful. Because of my respect and reverence for Scripture and the power it carries in no way do I want to misrepresent its teaching. Therefore, I have a healthy level of fear when teaching others. Although I play a very small role in this teaching process (God and his Spirit plays the bigger role), I have learned that when God sends forth his word- it accomplishes and succeeds. Coupled with my healthy level of fear, I possess an even healthier level of trust in God. I believe that once I put the words out there- He will accomplish its intended purpose in and through others. Those of us who teach or share God's word have a huge responsibility to be students who dig deep and work as best we can to represent the Scriptures correctly. Once we have done this- we must trust God to accomplish his purpose.
Obviously, I get a bit excited over the promise of the continuing work of God's words. I am utterly thankful that as I open my Bible God's word still has a profound affect on me. I have read the Sermon on the Mount over and over again and each time it pierces my heart in a different way. Jesus' words challenge me to live, love and serve differently.

I recently purchased a new Bible to replace the one I had been using since 2001. You probably won't believe me but I mourned the shelving of this old friend, my NIV Life Application Bible. The pages inside were worn and the binding was falling apart. This dear friend was filled with notes and discoveries I had made as we journeyed together. This precious book, for almost 10 years, served as one of the greatest links to the building of my relationship with Jesus Christ.
As I think back on the years I have spent learning and growing through the pages of my NIV Life Application Bible, I could just weep in remembrance of the way God sent forth his word in my life and actually accomplished something! I now laugh over the fits I often threw when I didn't want to comply with his direction or commands. Many times I acted like a toddler throwing a tantrum (maybe that has something to do with spiritual milk verses spiritual meat!). When the day was done I agonized over not just listening and obeying in the first place!  The heartache I could have avoided if I had just listened and obeyed. Yes, another lesson learned the hard way.  But through it all my testimony still stands: "God truly sent forth his word and healed me!"  Through this NIV Life Application Study Bible, "Jesus opened his mouth and began to teach me" and I'm so much better for it! This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the power of God's word!
Allow me to encourage you towards God's word. My prayer is you will begin or continue a love relationship with God through his word. Be open to it's accomplishing work!
Blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God's Habit

Hello to all,
I came across a verse I wanted to share today.

"If you, God, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped."
Psalm 130 (The Message)
I hope this sweet reminder refreshes your soul today. I believe it is God's habit to forgive. Not only does he make it a habit to forgive but he actually delights in the very act of forgiving. When was the last time you thought about a God who stands ready- waiting- to offer you forgiveness? I believe he longs to forgive.
Knowing this, why would we linger in the asking? Brennan Manning in his book, The Rabbi's Heartbeat, tells his own story of delaying in truly accepting God's forgiveness and love. Manning tells of the Impostor within himself who whispered, "Brennan, don't ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are. Invent a new self that everybody will admire and nobody will know." So, he did. This is how he describes it, "For eighteen years I proclaimed the good news of God's passionate, unconditional love- utterly convicted in my head but not feeling it in my heart. I never felt loved."
Could it be that accepting God's lavish forgiveness, this habit he has, would mean to truly believe to the bone that God loves us? Could it be we delay in asking for forgiveness because we can't imagine ever forgiving ourselves? For, if God can forgive us why would we not forgive also?
Manning goes on to finish the chapter like this:
"Come to Me now," Jesus says. "Quit projecting onto Me your own feelings about yourself. At this moment your life is a brusied reed and I will not crush it, a smoldering wick and I will not quench it. You are in a safe place." You are loved.
Maybe today you are in need of some grace. What are you waiting for? God stands ready. He is your safe place. Don't walk- run to him!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Prayer- Psalms 119:32

"God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course.
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me- my whole life one long, obedient response."
Psalm 119:32 The Message

Monday, August 17, 2009

Assorted Menu

Hello friends,
I only have a minute but had to give a few updates- so this post is sorta lkie a buffet-it has a little bit of everything!

---Please join me in giving God some Praise...we are 1 Indian orphan away from having all 40 new ones sponsored and 30 recommitted to for their 3rd year. Praise him loudly grils! He deserves it!

---Back to school for many today! The Drain children fared well other than one 10 year old boy's hair woes. That is a whole post of its own!!! ha!

---I am knee deep in the Word (my favorite place) preparing for a ladies retreat this weekend! I sure would appreciate your prayers.

---Lastly, please lift up a friend for me who is in the hospital. I would be most blessed by your intercession!

And, just because I love each of you so much I endured typing from my phone to post and several misquito bites!

Love to all,

Monday, August 3, 2009

India Orphans

Hello friends,
I couldn't wait to share this picture with you! These are the orphans in India that I have written about several times. Please notice the group has grown! There are 28 new babies joining this crowd! Praise be to God! I hope you notice the 'thumbs up' we are getting in this picture. Aren't they darling? Words aren't enough to describe the joy these sweet faces bring me.

Some in the picture are without parents, some have one parent, and some have both parents. All are unable to be cared for by either their parent(s) or relatives due to finances or life situations that the parent(s) or relatives are in that are unsafe for the children. So, they are brought to the Nash Campus at Redemption Ministries in Chirala, India and are cared for here. They receive not only basic needs (food, clothing, shelter and medical care) they also receive an education (reading, writing, and math) and on top of all that and most importantly- they learn about Jesus Christ and his lavish love for them.

I must share a very proud Mommy moment with you. One of these sweet babies was sponsored by my daughter, Shelby. She worked some this summer for her father and saved her money. She gave up almost her whole summer savings to sponsor one of these sweet children. She had $20 left to spend on herself. What is so neat about it is she came up with the idea all on her own. Chad or I never asked her to sponsor a child- nope- it was her idea! So proud of my young lady! I'm sending her a 'thumbs up' today for allowing God to use her to impact the life of another!

There are several more children who need sponsorship. Once sponsorship is received they are brought into their new home. And, it's only $20 per month per child. Let me know if you are interested!

Blessings to all,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Church Sunday

Hello friends,
I have been dying to post and I'm stealing a moment away from writing for a couple of retreats that I'm teaching for this fall. And- I'm posting from my cell phone which is very tedious! Be prepared for lots of spelling/grammar errors!

I just had to share a few updates with you on this glorious morning. First, say a prayer for my baby girl who is at church camp this week. I'm missing her really bad but I'm praying a Jesus encounter for her and all who are attending!

Second, the Drain's had a marvelous time worshiping Jesus Sunday. The Praise music just lifted me right to the Throne Room of His Majesty. The message from the Word was right on and just what I needed. Does that ever happen to you? It seems sometimes that the minister must know all the personal details of my life and prepares his message to speak to my needs. Although I know this isn't true- I love the way God can use someone else to speak to our hearts!

At the invitation time several people came forward (not sure but I think 4-5 couples). Most were placing membership at the church but one couple were making a confession of faith! Glory to God! It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen! The Sunday school class they had been attending led them to the Lord. How about that!! After they made their confession- they were baptized--here is where I lost it!

An elder (who was in their Sunday school Class) baptized the man first. After he was immersed his wife enters the waters where her groom (of 30 years on this Monday) was waiting for her. He, ever so gently, took his bride (now the bride of Christ) under the water and back up. They exited the water together in newness of life. Girls- I'm not ashamed to tell you- I sobbed during the whole thing. The joy on the faces of this couple was radiant. It was obvious they shared a deep love and respect for one another. Thirty years of marriage looked good on them! But, the Holy Spirit looked better! Praise the Lord!

That wasn't all! Next the children's minister brings a young boy forward who had been saved. He repeated the confession of faith loud and proud. Just like I love to hear it! Then this young man was baptized too! I had to hold myself back from breaking out into a praise dance right there in the aisle!

Next, an older lady had came forward for prayer. An elder prayed with her and then he turned to the congregation for intercession help. There was, as he described it, a life or death situation going on for a man in this ladies family. The congregation joined hands and we stormed the Throne Room of Heaven asking for deliverance for this man (whether he wanted it or not).

Honestly girls- I was completely spent by the time we left church but there is nothing on earth I'd rather pour forth my energy for. This was the church working as it should. I felt so blessed to be a part of it-even though I didn't know a single soul!

Thank you for allowing me to share with you! The rocks would cry out if God wasn't praised- He is worthy!

Say a prayer for me as I write this week!

Love to all,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God's Workmanship

Hello friends,
Long time no post! Allow me to share with you a verse I have been studying. It happens to be one of my favorites because it is filled with hope. I don't know about you- but I can use a daily dose of hope! Can't seem to get enough hope? Look to Jesus my friend. Here goes:

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Ephesians 2:10
I believe this verse overflows with hope. Here is why. First, you and I are a workmanship. And, not just anybodies workmanship- God's. We are created in the very image of the Creator. Take a momment and let that fact really soak in. Often times I skip over this reality. Something about me resembles Jesus. Now- I certainly fall very, very, very short of Jesus- but somewhere within there is a 'hint' of Jesus. That really excites me!
The word workmanship (based on my very little knowledge of the Greek language) is the word 'poiema' which means "poem, masterpiece, to make something new, with the implication of using materials already in existence, to make, to fashion". I love the idea that we are God's poem. He is working to create a masterpiece of poetry in each of us. Every line of our individual poem is unique. Sometimes the lines created in me have been more like a funeral dirge than a hopeful sonnet. That my friends is a part of the masterpiece.
What I love most about this word is 'the implication of using materials already in existence'. What a sweet reminder that God has given us everything we need to do the work he has called us to. The materials are already there- God is just working to fashion or mold them into what they need to be in order for us to fulfill our calling in Christ Jesus.
I wonder if you are growing weary in the work God has called you too. It is so easy to get discouraged but don't let yourself! That is exactly what Satan would want. Don't give in. Remember, God prepared this work in advance for you to do. He help you see it through until completion. Find your hope in him. Remember- "The One who calls you is faithful...".
Today, I'm allowing God to write a new line of my life poem. I'm not growing weary but stronger. I refuse to give in even when the going gets ruff! I'm trusting in the One who is faithful! I wonder what my new life line will read? Oh the possibilities with God!
Loving the One,

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Isaiah 43

Hey there girlfriends,

Just wanted to drop a fresh reminder post for you today. Please enjoy a portion of Isaiah 43 from the Message:

"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You are mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end-
Because I am GOD, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you: all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in! That's how much I love you! I'd sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you. So don't be afraid: I'm with you."
I hope this is a reminder of how very much you are loved. I can't count the times I've felt like I'm swimming in rough waters or I've been between a rock an a hard place. How about you? If your there today- remember Jesus paid a huge price for you! He is YOUR personal Savior! He will never leave or forsake you! He would sell off the whole world just for you! What an amazing comfort the very thought of God loving us so much! I hope it brings a smile to your face today~

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Decoration Day

Hello gals,
I just wanted to hop on here and tell you something that has me a bit rattled today. Allow me to give you a bit of background information first.

As many of you know my sweet mother passed away over a year ago. For those of you who have lost loved ones I know you understand the pain loss can bring. I miss mom. As simply as I can say it-I miss her to the bone sometimes. I am, however, thrilled that she is with Jesus today. I have discovered that when a loved one dies there are all kinds of new things you have to learn to deal with and take care of- grief being only one of them. It seems the 'stuff' surrounding loss seems endless. It has been a year and a half since mom died and there is still to-do-type stuff that keeps coming up!

Now, let me get to the rest of the story....this past Sunday was 'Decoration Sunday' at the cemetery where my mom is buried. My dad purchased all manner of flowers to place on her grave and the real stuff too! None of that silk stuff for my mother! For those of you who purchase silk flowers- there is absolutely NO condemnation whatsoever here! I say that from my dads point of view! His beautiful bride of 42 years is worthy of real flowers not to mention I secretly believe dad thinks she may haunt him if he were to put silk on her grave! (Just kidding!) Mom had a green thumb that would rival Mr. Green Thumb himself! She could grow anything under the sun. Gardening was her favorite thing and she did it better than anyone I know. So, dad purchased a red rose bush (roses were mom's favorite), two potted arrangements of geraniums and a shepherd's pole with two hanging baskets. As morbidly as all this sounds- I must say- in my opinion, mom had the most decked out grave in the cemetery. And she deserved it! It was so decked out that my dad asked me to make a picture! (You are probably going to think we need counseling after reading this post! ha!) And, just so you know- to please my dad- I did take a picture! I should consider posting it for you to see (now I'm sure you think I need help).

Anyway, my dad called me this morning all distraught. He had went by the cemetery to check on the flowers and the shepherd's pole and hanging baskets were there but the potted plants were gone. He searched the cemetery over thinking they could have been blown away by the storms- but didn't find them. His gut reaction is that someone stole them. I keep thinking there has to be a better explanation- like maybe they did blow away and the care takers picked them up- and didn't know where they belonged. Who knows? All I do know is that my poor dad is all to pieces. And, if his gut reaction is right and someone really did steal them- I'm praying they prick their finger on the rose bush and God pricks their heart! (Is that really bad? The pricking the finger part?)

Thanks for listening/reading,
Love to all,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Very Random....

Hell to all,
Just wanted to stop in and share a few 'random' thoughts! I laugh every time I think of the word 'random' it's one of my daughter's favorites. She tells me all the time "Mom, you are so RANDOM". I must admit she is right on! My brain is working overtime these days and my thoughts are all over the map. The scripture "Be still and know that I am God" comes to mind! Yet again, rather random. But, oh, so needed!

How about a quick update on the Drain family. Shelby, my brand new 13 year old, is working for her father at the Auto Parts store. Shelby has a personality that just tickles my funny bone. Where I am 'So Random' she "Is SO TRANSPARENT". You will never have to guess how she feels about anything. She blurts it right out- let's you know right where she stands on any given issue and has absolutely no fear in telling you exactly what she thinks! Every time we are among people outside our family I cringe when she opens her mouth. I just stand there holding my breath in fear of what she might say and who she might say it to! Even though I usually stand in fear for what 'might' be said- this is one of her qualities I appreciate most. Why hold back- when we put things out there- we can deal with them. Holding stuff back and inside is what makes life difficult sometimes. I would much rather know how someone thinks or feels about me or about something I've done than have to guess! Transparency- I believe we could all use a strong dose of it. Realness (not sure if that is a word) but I desire real authenticity in my relationships! How about you!? (See- I told you I was so random!)

Gabe just got chosen to play on the All star baseball team for the league he plays in. As you can imagine-I'm one proud, but very random, mom! Gabe is growing up so fast. It is hard to believe he will be in the 5th grade this year! Where in the world does time go?

Chad is working like mad storing up for the winter. We have 287 bails of hay to prove it. All of which the whole Drain family helped with (loading, unloading, and stacking)! It was like a scene right out of Little House on the Prairie! I have to admit I love life on the prairie! Well, we don't really live out west on the prairie- but we do live in Harmony. And that's not a metaphor- there really is a place called Harmony. It feels like the prairie though. (Okay- I've gone random again).....

Don't forget about our Facebook Bible/Book Study. I hope you will join me! If you feel weird about posting on the wall- just send it to my inbox! And, if you've already read 'Crazy Love' read it again! This will by my fourth time! It's worth it! So, come on and join in the fun!

And, lastly, as random as it gets- thanks for hanging in there with this blog thing. It seems my time to write has dwindled so very much- but keep checking back.

Love to all,

Monday, June 15, 2009

Facebook Bible Study

Hello to all,
I wanted to invite each of you to join me in a summer Bible/Book Study on Facebook. If you are not a Face Book user- it's easy to join and start an account (which is free). Just go to:
Click on 'Sign Up for Facebook'
Then follow the directions listed.
Once you have an account- look on the top user bar (in blue) and click on 'FRIENDS' then click on 'FIND FRIENDS' once there-add my name in the 'SEARCH' box- 'Lori A. Drain'
Then Invite me to be your friend. I will then reply to say I've added you as my friend and you will be good to go!
If you have problems- feel free to email me or leave me a posted comment here on the blog & I will try to walk you through it!
Here is how it will work:
  • You will need to purchase the book 'CRAZY LOVE-Overwhelmed by a Relentless God' by Francis Chan. You can purchase it online at Christian Book Distributors or Amazon. Or order it from your local Christian Book Store. YOU WILL NEED TO GET IT THIS WEEK!
  • We will read one chapter a week for 10 weeks starting this week (June 15-21).
  • After you have read the chapter sometime before Sunday at 10 P.M. post a comment about the reading, a question, or observation to my wall on Facebook. You may post this ANYTIME through the week but each Sunday at 10 p.m. is the deadline for each chapter. (So, this week you will read Chapter 1 and post a comment, question or make an observation about the reading on my facebook wall by Sunday, June 21, at 10 p.m.)
  • If you have a more in-depth question or would like to keep your comment private- then send it to my 'INBOX' on Facebook and I will reply.
  • I will moderate the comments and reply to any personal 'Inbox' questions or concerns you have by Monday following the Sunday Deadlines.

Please know in advance I am not a great Facebook user in that I'm still learning my way around. Feel free to post any suggestions you have! But, I thought this would be fun for all and a way for us to study together without having to meet together. So- what do you think???

If you have already read the book 'Crazy Love', I invite you to read it again with me! I personally have read the book three times and will now read it a fourth. I believe the book offers some great insight and it offers some lessons that I want to learn and live!

Looking forward to studing/reading with you!

Love to all,


Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello to all,
I pray you are having a terrific Tuesday! I myself am! God is good! Not just good- GREAT! I have been working on writing a Bible study on JOY this week. I will be leading a retreat in October for my Home-girls and the retreat theme is JOY! I prefer typing the word 'JOY' in all caps because the more I'm learning about it the more I'm seeing that JOY is BIG! In order not to spill the surprises for my Home-girls and the retreat- I'm going to withhold all I'm learning until later. But for now just know- JOY IS BIG!

I have not forgotten about our Church Alive posts and keep your eyes out for the next one next week! I have given this topic so much thought that I've had trouble wading through it all. You would think it would be an easy topic- but the more I visit churches and the more I look at the book of Acts and the journeys of Paul and his New Testament letters I find that the matter can be complex- mostly because there are many characteristics of an Alive Church. With that being said- don't give up on me!

Allow me to give a teaser into the next post by offering a quote I read sometime ago by Rick Warren:

"You don't judge the strength of a church on its seating capacity but on its sending capacity."

I'll let you stew on that one for a bit!
God bless,

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Been so busy...

Hello gals,
So sorry, it has been too long! I have been busy lately. Every night I sit down and want to write to you so badly but don't have the strength to do it from my cell phone- remember- I don't have Internet access where I live (only from my phone) and it is just way to tedious to blog from a cell phone keyboard!

I have much to catch you up on. But for today, I want to take you on a trip to BIRTHDAY land! The Drain family has several birthdays to celebrate in the month of May. First, my sweetie, Chad, will turn the big 39 on the 25th. (So that you get a personal look into the Drain family and get to know us a bit better allow me to share a bit more in depth with you!)

If you were to ask me who I most admire in this world (besides Jesus) I would tell you Chad. Don't even have to think about it! He is it! This man has taught me more about being a servant than anyone I know! He is constantly helping someone else out and never wants recognition for it. He goes above and beyond the call of servant hood every day by giving up his time for another soul. I don't remember the last time Chad had any time for himself yet he never complains. He gets so much joy out of giving and it shows!

Secondly, this man knows the worst of me and loves me anyway! He has shown me more times than I can count what grace lavished on a life looks and feels like. I love Jesus more today because of the way this man has loved me. He is an Ephesians 5 husband- loving his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. I am one blessed and thankful woman!

The second birthday celebration is for my soon to be 13 year old daughter, Shelby. I am so proud of this young lady! Not only is she beautiful on the outside but on the inside too! One of the things I admire most about her is she knows what she wants and she knows what she likes. She isn't indecisive about anything.

This year for her birthday she bought her own birthday gift (with a little help from grandparent birthday money) but she did at least half of it on her own. I reminded Shelby all weekend every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. In normal Shelby style- she agreed with the biggest grin I've ever seen!

Meet Dakota (see the picture below). This is Shelby's new baby. He is six years old and as sweet as they come. She choose the name Dakota before she learned what the previous owners had named him. She thought about a name all weekend and decided on Dakota. We went Monday evening to pick him up and bring him home only to hear his owner call to him from inside the barn. When he brought the horse out we asked him what his name was- get this- it was Dakota. The Drain family had no idea what the horses name was. We went to see him on Saturday night with friends and the owner was not there. We saddled and rode him then called the owner to let him know we would take him. We never asked what his name was until we went to pick him up on Monday. How neat is that!

I have found so much pleasure in both Chad and Shelby and people everywhere. God has designed us to be in relationship. As I celebrate two lives this month I'm ever reminded of the goodness of God. How like him to bless his children with one another. Although relationships can be hard at times (Chad and I have proved this over and over), they are so worth it! They are worth every ounce of energy we pour into them. Allow me to encourage you today to pour forth! Pour into your family and existing friends. Spend yourself in building new friendships. I tell my children all the time "You can never have enough friends." Many times we get clickish- and feel we don't have time to develop new friends. If that is your mindset- you are missing out! There is joy to be had in new discovery. Our hearts have room for more- they can hold more than you think! So, seek out a new friend! And then- Celebrate!

Pouring forth and celebrating,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Hello friends,
Sorry it has been so long! I've been experiencing computer issues. I choose not to call them problems- I'm in denial. Honestly, I share a love hate relationship with computers. One day I love them and then when they don't preform properly- I just hate them! Anybody feel my pain?For the moment my computer is working so I thought I would hop online and wish you all a Happy Belated Mother's Day! I hope you enjoyed the beautiful day with your family!

My son, Gabe, proudly handed me two envelopes on Monday morning which he found in his folder from school. "Here mom, I made these for you" he said as he handed me the envelopes. "Why, thank you baby", I said as I began to peal the envelopes open. One envelope had a note that said this- "I love my mom because......" and Gabe's response was "because she is the only mom I had. I love you, Gabe." After laughing hysterically, a moment of total insecurity began to creep in. Did you notice the past tense usage of the word have? I know I'm getting older but give a mom a break!! Am I a has been? And of course, I wondered if Gabe would rather have another mom besides me. So, what's a mom to do? I asked him. And, his answer was no he liked me just fine. Boys! Praise the Lord- he likes me just fine.

In the next envelope I found coupons for free gifts that Gabe would give me. One was a free coupon to go worship God with the whole family. I love that Gabe knows exactly what makes mom happy! I found it rather funny that the next free coupon was for me to love Gabe as much as I wanted. He cracks me up! As I'm reading these 'free' coupons I imagined his teacher coaxing the students to offer to do something nice for mom like chores around the house. Not my Gabe. He worked all three coupons out to where he didn't have to do anything out of the ordinary! Such a smart boy.

He also had made me a 10 Ten Reasons why I love my mom list. Needless to say his list cracked me up. I don't have it with me today or I would give you the top ten run down. Several of the things were the normal stuff but a couple surprised me! I'll try to remember to bring them to the office with me so I can share them.

After thinking of Gabe's Mother's Day cards and some of my funniest Mother's Day memories I realized that you probably had a few stories to tell as well! Kids are so funny! Enjoy these moments girls- they fly by!

I am working on our next Church Alive post and I will try to get it up by the first of next week. Until then- enjoy your week!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Church Alive (Part 3)

Hello Friends,

I feel sure that each of you have been anxiously awaiting the third segment of the Church Alive. I've been a bit worried that you have probably been pacing the floors and hitting the refresh button over an over in anticipation. So sorry to keep you on pins and needles for such a long time! ha! Thank you for being patient- and for caring.

Before I dig in let's establish where we've been thus far on this topic. The 'church' is the people- not the building. An alive church is built upon repentant sinners. And, we have established all manner of what an alive church is not.

From here forward these segments are not based upon any order but will be rather random. So, for our next look into an alive church we will look to the book of Acts where we see the first church birthed. I recommend you read through at the very least the first eight chapters of Acts and if possible read the whole book looking for gatherings of the church.

Allow me to give you a bit of background. From the beginning chapter of Acts the church, as we know it today, is gathered and Jesus commands them to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit which he has promised. So, the apostles and Mary, Jesus mother and brothers and what the Bible calls 'the women' return to Jerusalem as Jesus said. Once there, the Bible tells us "they all joined together constantly in prayer." (Acts 1:14) Later we see in chapter two as they are together the Holy Spirit descends upon them.

The point I would like to make today about an alive church is this-an alive church is a church of prayer. We not only see this evidence from the beginning of Acts but through out the whole chapter. We see in Acts 2:42 that this early group of followers devoted themselves from the very beginning to several elements that were vital to their life and the spread of the Gospel. "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer" (Acts 2:42). So let's take a deeper look into the prayer life of these early followers and see why it was so vital to them.

First, It was vital to their relationship with the Risen and Ascended Lord, Jesus. Many of these men and women had traveled miles with Jesus in the flesh- prayer gave them that continuing presence and relationship. Second, it was vital to the effectiveness of their ministry and the spread of the Gospel. These early followers prayed earnestly. Their very lives depended on God's intervention not to mention the spread of the Gospel. These devoted followers prayed often and expectantly.

Take a look at Acts 4:23-31. Peter and John have just been released from jail for preaching in the name of Jesus. Tensions were rising in the city and they felt it. Remember, not too long ago many of them watched as Jesus was arrested, tried, beaten and brutally killed. I imagine their fears were rising with every breath they took as their minds wondered if they could be next to suffer. Yes, Jesus rose from the dead but not before he suffered and died. In our human minds we can't grasp suffering like that nor do we want to be subject to it.

Peter and John, having just been released from jail, return to the fellowship of believers. I love what the Bible says about their return "Peter and John went back to their own people". I can't think of anywhere I love to be but with my own people (the church). There is comfort and safety that comes from being with your own. Peter and John didn't waste a moment of time when they arrived back with their own. Immediately they began to share their plight. There is something about the comforts of being with our own that allows us to be venerable and share our stuff. And, there is something very special about this group of followers in Acts- they were all united in the same mission and I believe they all shared in the sufferings that were brought about by seeing this mission to fulfillment. John and Peter's problems were their problems too.

Stay with me here for a moment as I share a side note to the topic of prayer. Do you see through Peter and John's story that the church is a place where we bring our fears, struggles, and our needs to? When is the last time you let down your defenses and were real with those in your fellowship (your own people)? This early group of followers at their core were real with one another. They didn't hold back for fear of looking stupid or for fear somebody might think they didn't have it together! Look back to Acts 4:13. Those in the crowd saw Peter and John's courage- why? Because they realized they were unschooled, ordinary men. I don't know about you but this helps me. If this early fellowship made up of ordinary men and women can receive power to do the unthinkable and lead an astonishing movement for Jesus Christ and still need to share their needs with one another so can we. Don't you and I (the church today) share a common unity with one another just as these young followers did? Of course we do!

What did that fellowship of believers do when Peter and John shared their need? They took it immediately to the One who was capable of handling it- Jesus. The Bible says "When they heard this they raised their voices together in prayer to God" (Acts 4:24). The word 'raised' here means to cry out or to sing. I'm not sure but I like to believe that for a time all their voices were audibly speaking aloud and possibly all at once.

Some of the most amazing moments I have ever experienced have been through prayer. I have traveled twice now to India for mission work and in both trips I experienced a depth of prayer I have never experienced before. What you may find most amazing is that I didn't understand a single word of most of the prayers prayed there because they were not in my language. Many times when the minister would pray the entire congregation would pray aloud too. I couldn't understand what they were saying but the desperation and adoration in the tone of their voices said what I needed to know.

After every church service we participated in those present were invited to come forward at the end if they had any prayer needs. Each time we were overwhelmed with people waiting at the front of the church for us to pray for and over them. There were all sorts of needs. Some brought handicapped children or family members and laid them at our feet for us to lay hands upon and pray. Many would just fall to their knees at our feet. Once a lady brought a young girl forward and shared that her mother had died and her father had ran away and she was homeless. Honestly, I have never felt so unworthy or humbled in my life. Who was I that I could take their needs to God when these precious ones could go straight to the Throne of Grace without my help (and probably have more success!)? I realized later it wasn't that I could take their need to God and they couldn't it was the need for our team to 'share in their sufferings' through prayer. To in some way carry their burdens if at all possible- but carry them to the Lord. The needs of the people were so overwhelming-so huge! But, our God is a HUGE God who is capable of handling every last one of them! So, we took the needs to Him. The people came- they were real- their needs were real and so was our love an compassion for their needs. So much so that I'm still praying! Unfortunately I'm terrible with words (grammar and spelling too- as you well know), but know this experience is one I will never forget-It has been and always will be a privilege to take everything to God in prayer.

If you read on in Acts 4 we find that these followers prayed specifically and they used scripture to express their need and God rocked the house! Sisters, I yearn to be a part of a movement like this. Where men and women come together to seek God's will, to ask big things of God and to EXPECT him to answer. How often do we pull away from the world and seek God's will for a situation instead of charging ahead, making a decision and THEN asking God to bless what we have decided. I've done this myself and by the grace of God many times he has chosen to bless what I've decided without his input. (Thank you Lord!) But what would our lives and churches looked like if we let go of token prayers before meetings and really sought God and listened for him before we made plans? I imagine we might experience a movement from the Lord where we felt like our lives had been rocked!

I've gone to meddling and preaching a bit now (so sorry). Bottom line- and alive church is a praying church. A church that seeks God through prayer for direction, discernment and vision. It is a church that brings the needs of the people before our capable God. It is a church that expects for God to hear and answer.

Again, I have so much to say on this topic of a praying 'alive' church. I am holding back a bit in order to bring the subject back up in our last segment.

Let me end by saying God answers prayers- all sorts of them and he answers them in all sorts of ways. I've heard it said, "A praying church is a staying church". I'll let you decide.



Friday, April 24, 2009

Fabulous Friday!

Hello gals! Today is FABULOUS FRIDAY! How do I know?? Look out your window! Could the weather be any better? The Drain's have big plans for tonight. We are celebrating a friends 50th Birthday with a bon fire complete with all the fixins'- hot dogs and smores! I don't believe life gets much better than that! Friends and Food. My 2 favorite F's!

I wanted to let you know I have worked on our next segment of the 'Church Alive' this week but I'm not quite ready to post it yet. I have a ruff draft saved but it is not post worthy as of this moment. I have a full day today so I apologize for not having it ready. Please check back next week and hopefully it will be completed. Thank you for sticking with me. And, don't forget to email me or post what you think the qualities of an Alive Church are. I'm desperate for feedback- it helps so much! So, bring it on!

I pray you all have a fun filled fabulous Friday! Don't forget to give the Lord some Praise today! Give Him a big shout out for this amazing weather we are basking in!
Love to all,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hello gals,
This past Sunday our family visited a church in Kingsport. We enjoyed worship very much. The service we attended was a 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service and it was packed with people. We were running a bit late and luckily found a seat on the back row. What impressed me about this service was the diversity of ages in attendance. I saw just as many (if not more) seniors than I did youngsters! And- I loved it! And, after looking around I realized I am embarking on becoming a member of the 'middle aged' group. Whatever that means! ha!

My son seemed to enjoy the service as well. He asked all manner of questions. And he made a great observation about the preacher- allow me to quote my 10 year old: "He (the preacher) said God more than anybody I've ever heard." I just about laughed my head off. What children pick up on!

In case you don't know our family has spent the last two months visiting different churches for worship. We have enjoyed every church we have worshipped with. Not one has been the same. Some have been large in attendance and some have been very small. Some have had traditional music, some blended and some contemporary. Some have had choir music- some have not. Some have had special solos some have not. Some have been very formal and some have been very casual. Some had offering meditations some have not. Some have served communion some have not. Some have had 3 point sermons and some have had narritive preaching and one team preached (which was rather cool). Thus far, all have offered an invitation at the end.

This experenice has been rather neat in that we are getting to see how other members of the Body of Chirst worship. I can honestly say we have enjoyed worshipping in every church we have set foot in thus far. Every single one has been different in the order of service and style but one thing has been the same through out- everyone has worshipped the same Lord and Saviour- Jesus Christ. Priceless!

Enjoy your day today sisters! And, see if you can beat the preacher's record today- how often can you talk about God today? Let's spend ourselves praising Him- allow Him to be the Lord of your Tuesday!

Love to all,

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Church Alive (Part 2)...

Hello Friends,
As you may recall I posted sometime back about a church sign I read that said "A Church Alive Is Worth The Drive". And, I promised to research and explore this topic more in depth and share with you here on the blog. So, today I am posting Part 2 of tThe Church Alive. Let me warn you now- I have no idea how many Parts it will take to fully communicate the ideas and research I am working on. Also, these segments are not for the faint of heart! I will do my best to post a segment each week until I feel there desperately needs to be an end to the topic. I will also try to post other stuff through out the week so not to overwhelm you blog readers- I'll will seek to write some fun stuff in between.

Now let me set a few ground rules for you as you read the segments on 'The Church Alive':
  1. I ask that you not get any ideas about changing churches because you find your church lacking in any of the areas we will discuss! I am saving the 'Why' to this point for our final segment. So, I ask that you hang in there with me to the very end before you decide your church may or may not be alive. I hope you will become very clear as to why I am setting this as ground rule number 1 by the time we finish out The Church Alive posts!
  2. Keep in mind as you read I am not the ultimate authority on this issue. God's word however is. So, feel free to disagree with me at any time. I am only seeking to flesh this topic out with you and please know it is a work in progress! So, my prayer is that you will study yourself and not take my word for it.
  3. Lastly, I would love to hear your thoughts on what the Church Alive is to you. So please email me your thoughts and make sure to let me know if I can reuse them.

Now that we've set the rules let's get down to Church Alive Business!

Thus far I have found it easier to discuss what a Church Alive isn't more than what it actually is. So let me share what it is not:

  • A Church Alive is not measured upon how many people fill the pew each week. Big doesn't necessitate Alive!
  • Busy doesn't necessitate Alive!
  • Lots of programs doesn't necessitate Alive!
  • Financial Prosperity doesn't necessitate Alive!
  • Beautiful buildings, masses of electronic equipment and the best of the best in the form of stuff doesn't necessitate Alive!
  • Academic excellence doesn't necessitate Alive!
  • Amazing staff with lengthy bios does not necessitate Alive!
  • Rich heritage and traditions do not necessitate Alive!
  • Friendly congregants does not necessitate Alive!

I'm going to stop there. I feel you are probably getting the idea. We tend to measure success by many of the above when it comes to church growth and aliveness (not sure if that's a word- but by golly it is now! ha!). The top two measurements tend to be numbers- how many people attended and how much did they give. Ask yourself this question, "How often do I look to see how many people attended the Sunday Worship service?" Why do you look? Because typically we all measure the success of most any event by the attendance.

I've been out and about this week and in multiple churches. Everywhere I went people shared with me how many people attended their Palm Sunday and Easter Services. Please don't mishear me- I am thrilled that people go to church. Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas services can be great entry points for the unchurched. And, as you probably know, it is an opportunity for what many call the 'CEO's' (Christmas & Easter Only's) to get re-connected to the church they say they are members of. Nothing excites me more than to see people go to church. You never know what God may do in that person's heart because they walked in a church building on an Easter Sunday. So by all means- PLEASE GO. But, let me be clear-numbers do not equate a spiritually Alive Church.

So, now that I have made several points on what the church is not and hopefully squelched our ideas on how we tend to measure success let's begin looking at what an Alive Church looks like and sometime in the segment I will set up a new formula for measuring success. But from today forward I ask that you give up on numbers- at least for awhile.

The Church Alive is people alive not a place. And those people are deeply repentant people. Never forget that the Church of Jesus Christ was built upon sinners. The very Gospel-the Good News of Jesus Christ is that he did not come to save the righteous but the unrighteous. He came to save that which was lost. He dided for sinners just like you and me. Allow me to quote from 'The Ragamuffin Gospel' written by Brennan Manning on this very topic:

"Here is the revelation bright as the evening star: Jesus comes for sinners, for those as outcast as tax collectors and for those caught up in squalid choices and failed dreams. He comes for corporate executives, street people, superstars, farmers, hookers, addicts, IRS agents, AIDS victims, and even used car salesmen. Jesus not only talks with these people but dines with them-fully aware that His table fellowship with sinners will raise the eyebrows of religious bureaucrats who hold up the robes and insignia of their authority to justify their condemnation of the truth and their rejection of the gospel of grace."

These are the sinner-guests invited by Jesus to closeness with Him around the banquet table. It remains a startling story to those who never understand that the men and women who are truly filled with light are those who have gazed deeply into the darkness of their imperfect existence. Morton Kelsey wrote: "The church is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners."

The Church Alive is full of the very people Mr.Manning speaks of above-Sinners. Sinners who have met Salvation. Sinners who came to the hospital and received healing grace. Once we met our Salvation- our Redeemer everything changed. Remember the story of the Prodigal Son? He squandered his inheritance and came crawling home to his father. His father ran to meet him, opened his arms to him and forgave him. The father said-"My son who was once dead is now alive". The Church Alive is full of people who were once dead but are now Alive. Alive becuase of the wonderful merciful grace of Jesus Christ.

Not only is the Church Alive built upon sinners- it welcomes sinners into the fellowship of the group just as Jesus did. The church Alive is one who wouldn't turn their nose up in snobbish nonacceptance when the nearby street hooker walked through the doors of the building. No, the Church Alive would meet her with the loving grace of Jesus and would introduce her to Salvation-our Redeemer and hers. Why? Because the Church Alive was built upon sinners just like her.

There is so much more to say on this topic. But not room in a blog post. Let me just end with a question for thought:

How do you treat others who walk through the doors of the building and into your church fellowship who is different from the rest of the group?

Think deeply sisters,


P.s. I have no time to spell check or grammar check today- so please excuse any errors you find!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To My Homegirls....

Hello to all,
There are a group of ladies that I affectionately consider to be my 'Home Girls'. And, I feel sure (or at least I hope) they know who they are. Most all of us have a group of ladies (whether small or large) in our lives who have traveled the miles of life with us. My Home Girls shared life with me, in one form or the other, for the past six years. The past six years have been some of the most meaningful and fabulos times of my life because of the miles the women and I have shared. They are some of the finest women I have ever met.

It just so happens that God has gently pushed this baby bird out of the nest she calls home away from my Home Girls and I'm honestly just missing my them today. So, I am sharing the following story with you all today but especially as a tribute to them. I feel all of you will appreciate the story- or at least I hope so!

It was time. Momma and Papa Eagle new it was time to let go. Although, everything within wanted to hold on to Baby Eaglet with all the might their long wing spans could hold. Momma Eagle had cared for Baby Eaglet from the moment she knew Baby Eaglet would be born. It seemed like only yeterday that Baby Eaglet hatched and turned their nest home gloriously upside down.

Baby Eaglet had enjoyed the security and safety of the nest Momma and Papa Eagle had provided. The nest was warm and cozy. It had everything a Baby Eaglet could ever want. The finest nest around or at least that's what Baby Eaglet believed. What made the nest home so wonderful? Well, the Eagle family did. Had it not been form Momma and Papa Eagle being there with Baby Eaglet it would have been just another nest home.

Momma and Papa Eagle were wonderful parents to Baby Eaglet. They made sure she had all the food and milk she needed in order for her to grow big and strong. They protected her from the elements in the wild and from those that would prey around the nest home. Momma and Papa made sure to teach Baby Eaglet all she needed to know in order to survive in the wild world of the sky and trees.

Life for the Eagle family couldn't have been better. They enjoyed each other's company. They talked in eagle talk for hours on end. When Baby Eaglet was scared or nervous Momma and Papa Eagle would soothe her fears by singing a song sweet song of encouragement into her ear. Baby Eaglet loved her Momma and Papa and Momma and Papa loved Baby Eaglet. The nest home was Baby Eaglet's favorite place in all the world. Even with all the sky and trees to explore on the outside, Baby Eaglet never cared about wondering outside the nest for everything she could ever need was right there at home with Mamma and Papa Eagle.

Time had come. Today was the day Baby Eaglet would leave the comforts of the nest home and the security of Momma and Papa Eagle to spread her wings and fly on her own for the first time. Although, Baby Eaglet had no idea today was the day. Momma and Papa Eagle knew. As much as it pained them to let their little one go they knew it was for Baby Eaglets own good. She was ready because she had learned well. Papa and Momma Eagle knew Baby Eaglet would make them proud as she soared amidst the sky and land.

So, Momma Eagle breathed deeply and with one fell swoop she picked up Baby Eaglet by her talons and pushed her to the edge of the nest. While Papa Eagle stood perched on the nest edge right beside Baby Eaglet with a determined and proud look in his eyes. Baby Eaglet wasn't sure what was happening she only knew that the ground below was far away and looking down was scary. But, Baby Eaglet trusted Momma and Papa . They had always proved to be good and faithful to Baby Eaglet so she knew she was safe. But Baby Eaglet would never have dreamed Papa and Momma Eaglet would do to Baby Eaglet what they did next. All of the sudden Momma Eagle gave Baby Eaglet a good swift push and out of the nest home Baby Eaglet went heading straight for the ground below.

Now, I bet your wondering what happened to Baby Eaglet after she got pushed, ever so genlty, from Papa & Momma Eagle's nest home? Before we go any further with this story let me tell you what happened to ME when God pushed me out of the comforts of what I will call- my 'Home Girl Nest'. This is just one instance of many thus far to help you get the picture of what the past couple of months have been like on the outside of the Home Girl Nest!

After being pushed out of my 'Home Girl Nest' (ever so gently) by my Father, who said it was time to go (and yes- the ground below is way scary) - I plunged straight to the ground falling flat on my beak. Girlfriends- the fall was hard. Why? Embarrassment. As simply as I can state it- embarrassment. Yep, that's what happened to this Baby Eaglet!

So here's the dirt loaded with worms. I'm at a certain leadership event with around a 100 or so area pastors, church leaders, and college presidents (to name a few) and was scheduled to give a breif talk to the group . I of course was thrilled with the opportunity to speak- my Home Girls know- give her an opportunity to open her big mouth and oh my. So, no problem-right? WRONG.

Here we go- dinner is over and it's time. I have my speech prepared-everything I wanted to say was all written out. (And, on a side note- it was a dad gum good speech). I make my move toward the stage. I climb up the steps to the stage all the while thinking "O PLEASE Lord don't let me trip on the steps and make a fool of myself". Prayer was answered! I made it to the podium layed my speech in front of me, ajusted the microphone, and looked to my left. That's when it happened. The WORST case of stage fright I have EVER in my whole life had ascended on me like a spring downpour. My knees commenced to knocking and my whole body was shaking. I thought to my life I was going to shake right out of my leopard skinned high heel sandals (another side note- you would have loved the shoes!!). My ears began to ring and my mouth was so dry I could hardly speak- my tounge was LITERALLY sticking to the roof of my mouth. No joke!! All eyes were now on me. Everyone was waiting. In my mind I couldn't connect two words together let alone read my speech. The lighting above the podium was way weird (or so I thought) or could it be that I was beginning to see spots? Black out perhaps? Oh no Lord!!

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse- it happened- I opened my big mouth. And out of it came what I believe was a totally new language. The group must of thought the Holy Spirit had descended upon me and I blessed with the gift of speaking in tongues! Believe me when I say-That was not the case. What I will say however, is the language I was speaking was nothing but Gibberish. And my written speech- I really don't believe I read the first word on it! Girls, it was AWFUL! Humiliating.

Instead of being pushed from the nest I felt like I had flown the coop! I feel sure the guests thought the same!! After what seemed to be hours I made my way off the stage and back to my seat. My face had turned all manner of red and not only were my outsides shaking- my insides now were too. As I took my seat all I could think about was my Home Girls and where is the nearest exit!! All I wanted to do was just crawl back into my Home Girl nest and hide.

Had I been within the comforts of my 'Home Girl Nest' this would have never happened. My Home Girls know me and I know them. I don't know how else to say it other than we just fit like a great pair of worn in blue jeans. We just work.

When I finally got home after the event and laid my tired head on the pillow I can honestly say I questioned God for pushing me from my Home Girl Nest. Maybe it's too soon Lord. Maybe we made a mistake. What was up with that even tonight Lord?? And, I thanked Him profusely for my Home Girl Nest. I was utterly homesick and I told God as much!

Ever so gently, the Father began to whisper in my ear, "Lori, who were you relying on tonight?" And then it hit me like a ton of falling straw straight from the nest. Not once had I asked the Lord for His help with this speaking job. I reasoned it in my head that I had given this talk a hundred times already- no big deal. I had written out a speech just in case but because this was a usual talk for me-I probably wouldn't really need it. Wrong Again. Girls- I tried going it on my own. Needless to say I got a full course meal of humble worm pie and I deserved every last bite of it. My What was I thinking?? Obviously- I wasn't.

So, for my Home Girls- please know you are deeply loved by Baby Eaglet who fell on her beak this week! I will be forever grateful for the comforts provided me during my time in the Home Girl Nest. What made it so wonderful was all of you. And I wouldn't take a million dollars for all the spiritual food you dished out and served uped to this Baby Eaglet. I highly esteem each one of you and I am so glad to have shared the Home Girl Nest with you.

Also know, Baby Eaglet is not giving up. Sometimes the lesson is in the fall. I'm a bit bruised (my pride that is) and I feel sure God intended it to be just that way. It is true- pride comes before the fall and trust me the fall can be brutal! So now this Baby Eaglet is on the ground and praying a fresh wind from the Spirit will come blowing in and sweep her off her eagle feet- and if he does- she will bat her wings like crazy. And, with the Lord's help, Baby Eaglet will soar- not because she learned to soar on her own- but because she learned to rely on the wind of the Spirit her Heavenly Father Eagle provided to carry her wings and the training and love from Father and Mother Eagle and her Home Girl Nest.

Missing the Home Girl Nest,
Baby Eaglet

P.S. As for Baby Eaglet from the original story - she soared ever so high on the first try. And, I'm so jealous! ha!

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40:31

Monday, April 13, 2009

Checking In...

Hello friends,
I am once again posting from my cell phone. I live to far out in the country to have Internet access at home only on my cell phone. I want you to know I spent a rather long time on Friday- Good Friday that is typing up the best post I feel I have ever written only to lose it during my attempt to become a spell checker. I was so mad! I had spent the better part of the morning with the Lord reflecting on Jesus' death and praying and I had so much to share....God must have thought otherwise. Maybe our time together was not meant to be shared.

So here I am still celebrating Resurrection Sunday and wanting desperately to share-but I already have a serious hand cramp from typing on my cell phone keyboard. I will however wish each of you a belated Happy Easter! He is RISEN Indeed! Praise Him!
Love to all!

P.S. You should know that I did edit this post- so sorry for all the spelling and grammer errors- cell phone typing is tuff stuff for an old lady like myself! And I'm spelling challenged anyway!!
Blessings to you!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Church Alive

Hello to all,
I've been anxious to share my new favorite church sign with you. I drive past Gray Church of God daily and read their church sign. This week they have posted "A Church Alive is Worth the Drive". Finally, a good church sign that really gave me something to ponder.

Since I have taken up the 'Church Sign Critic' job my list of least favorite church signs has grown more than my list of favorites. One church in particular keeps my blood boiling for weeks after I read their sign. I won't share the church name with you but allow me to share one of my least favorite posts from their sign- "Contemporary Christian Music=hell, Traditional Hymn's=heaven" (or something like that). And my next least favorite listed a reference to the KJV being God's Word and the NKJV being from Satan. These two really bothered me. Not because the church holds certain beliefs but because of the way this effects the community around them. I have to wonder what message this sends to the unbelieving world around them. I guess we would need to answer the question of what is the chruch sign for anyway? Well as you can see this is a whole nother soap box I won't climb upon today! (And yes- I do know 'nother' is not a word! I just love to drive the spell checker crazy (as if it's alive)! And, keep in mind- I'm Tennessean to the bone.)

What is a 'Church Alive'? First, let's establish what the word 'church' means. The church is not the building but the people. So, alive people are worth the drive. Don't know about you but I personally would not waste the gas money to 'drive' anywhere to hang out with physically dead people! ha!! Truthfully,I have spent enough time in funeral homes mourning the deaths of friends and loved ones to do me for a lifetime. And, sorry for seeming so coy-please take these comments in jest and know I'm trying to make a point. I consider it a privilege to be near to those who are grieving a loved one by being present at the funeral home, hospital and most anywhere they need me to be.

Webster's Dictionary defines the word alive as "living, existent, active, animated, filled with living things, vigorous or lively, teeming". Does this definition accurately describe an alive church? I think not. Churches (peoples) can be lively and vigorous and still be dead in Christ. Churches can be filled with activity and still not be alive in the spiritual and Biblical sense. Take for example my visit to Bristol Motor Speedway two Sundays ago. The people at the Speedway were teeming with life. The energy level was UP! Many of them, during the race, were yelling in support of their favorite driver. Hand and arm motions were happening all over the place as a show of support as their driver moved to the front of the pack. These were people alive the atmosphere around them was lively but were they alive in Christ?

How does God's word define a church alive? This is the question I've been pondering all week. One worth the work of discovery. So, I'm on a journey to uncover the answers. At first I thought it was a simple question but the more thought I've given it the more I have come to believe it's not. The other question I have asked myself is "When have I been a part of a Church Alive?"

As simple as these questions may seem I'm not so sure any of us could say we have it all figured out. I do know one thing- I yearn to be a part of the Church Alive and I'm in search of the congregation that I could honestly walk away saying- Now that's the Body of Christ Alive.

I wonder if this 'alive' thing is the very reason the church in America is not growing? Is it because there is no life to it or in it? I'm not sure. I will tell you this- I aim to find out! So if the questions I've asked in this post confounds and perplexes you as much as it does me- than get to digging. One thing I do know for absolute- God is present in the Church Alive. No doubt.

I will dedicate the next several posts to this topic. If you find it interesting- join me next week for more discussions on the Church Alive.

Searching for the Church Alive,