Thursday, February 5, 2009


Good afternoon to all! Or should I say- Happy Sleeping? It is 4:15 a.m. in the U.S. but its 3:45 p.m. here in India ( or at least I think it is! I've had a hard time figuring out what time it is!!!)

Our India team is doing well! We just had our 300th serving of rice for lunch. No joke- we've had rice about every day for every meal except breakfast and that has been toast & eggs everyday! Needless to say we all want a salad, or a hamburger-- anything but rice!! But, God be Praised!! I shouldn't complain about what we are eating- many people here are lucky to get a serving of rice a day. We are so humbled. Being here makes you realize how petty your complaints and problems are. I've realized my own selfishness and pettiness. I have a profound new perspective on what is really important. I wish each of you were here with me. There are things we have seen and done that just drives you to your knees in thanks to our Almighty God. He has been so good to us- and not just me- you too. Take some time today to sit in Awe of all the many blessings he has given you. God is good- all the time- and all the time- God is good!!

Our team is all well and safe. We feel your prayers and know that we have had an amazing hedge of protection around us this whole trip! Yesterday, Valsa took us shopping. We drove about 2 hours or so into another town and went to a particular store then we had a nice lunch and headed back over the mountains- through the tea, rubber, sugarcane, and coconut plantations. What a view! The word 'beautiful' doese'nt even come close! We were so high up in the mountains- It was scary at times. The roads here are very narrow and you go over switchback after switchback....or one curve after another. Indian roads give 'S' a new name. Dramamine has become Tracy & Daisy's new best friend! No joke! They have eaten it like candy! And, Praise God- it has worked & they haven't gotten car sick! The rest of us haven't experienced any naseau from the driving. Fear- but not naseau.

We enjoyed the day with Valsa very much. We went to dinner last night- with just our team. We've had so much fun together. Everyone has been great! They all have been such a blessing.

This morning we spent several hours teaching the Bible school students- all 13 of them and their teachers. They are an amazing group of young men. Today they told us of some of the obstacles they had already faced in the churches they have served in. This blew our minds!! Many of them had already faced beatings and persecution from Hindu Extremists. They have faced things you and I could never imagine. They have seen many miracles too. They told us of a Hindu temple that was beside their church. When they would have services the Hindu temple would start playing music on loud speakers so they could not conduct their worship services. So they decided to fast and pray. After this they went to the homes of those who worshipped in the temple and prayed for them. One family had a daughter who was blind. They began to pray for her and over time & as they kept coming and praying- God healed her. Now, many of those families have converted to Christianity because of the miracle God did for this little girl.

Tonight we will be preaching at a church an hour or so away from where we are. So, please pray for us tonight. Brenda Colonnell is preaching. Please pray for her energy level. She hasn't slept well in several days--- there is way too much noise at night here & it is hard to sleep. Other than that she is great! She has been the courageous one where food has been concerned. She has tried things that you couldn't pay me to eat!! Again, our team has been so great! We have gotten along so wonderfully together!

We can't thank you enough for your prayers! We have a lot of work to finish in the next few days before we leave-- so keep praying!

We love and miss you all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love to you all......I love the stories so far especially the miracles. Chris and I get "Voice Of The Maryters" where we read of such things happening but to be there eyewittnessing them must be absolutely amazing. I can just see Brenda eating crazy stuff:) I'm glad everyone is doing great.

Love Leah and Chris